Every room in the house was missing Chase.

"Wait," Adam said, "If Chase is really gone, then why are there three capsules?" I felt my eyebrows furrow together before Leo's eyes brightened.

"I obviously have Chase's chip!" He cheered as he threw his fists in the air ecstatically. I rolled my eyes, huffing out an angered breath as life without Chase ran through my head. I wouldn't be able to make it without him.

"Well," Adam prodded, "Let's see you work this new chip!" He cheered as he hopped up and down. "Chase could barely work his so I'm sure you'll do fine." I pressed my lips together to hold back an insult, something I would regret under the circumstances. I could wind up losing all three of i played my cards wrong.

"You're right." Leo shrugged before placing his index finger to his forehead. "I should be pretty good at this whole smart-"

"Will both of you stop it!" I yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't tell whether it was just their way of copping with the situation, or if they were being serious. But this had to come to an end. "Do you have any idea what we've done?"

"Yeah." Adam breathed as he turned to look down to me. "We lost Chase. But constantly reminding each other of him isn't going to help us, is it?" I shook my head, falling back into the counter, my hands slamming down onto the edge to catch myself. My head felt blurred as the thoughts rushed over me.

"I know you both love him, somewhere deep down inside you're twisted hearts, but I need to actually comprehend what's happened." I issued as I finally gained the strength to stand up on my own. "I love him, more than anything, and it sucks so bad that he's gone. So excuse me if I don't want you two to move on within just a few seconds. Having him gone is the worst life I could ever imagine, and now, I'm living it."

Leo took in deep breaths, his chest moving up and down slowly along with them. Adam, stood completely still, his eyes not glimmering as they usually did. The two had lost all playfulness. What overtook it, was the sadness I felt, which I knew they had been feeling deep down. Chase was gone, and I wasn't going to be able to make it through this alone.

"How do we tell Mr. Davenport?" Leo wondered quietly, the thought finally coming to light.

"I have... No idea." I got out, biting my lip in worry. He was going to kill us.

"He probably won't even believe us." Adam laughed a bit, bringing a small smile to my face.

My eyes jumped over to the front door as it opened, showing the one and only, Chase Davenport in the flesh, walking through it. He held a lost look in his eyes as he closed the door behind him. My heart thumped inside my chest as our eyes' met, the feeling of breathlessness hitting me hard as I raced over and almost tackled him to the ground. His back hit the door with a thud before Adam and Leo joined in.

"Chase!" Adam and Leo yelled as they pressed the four of us together tighter.

"You're back." I whispered, taking in his scent lovingly as I buried my head deeper into the crook of his neck.

"Yeah..." He left off warily as he tried to step out of the hug. "Mr. Davenport told me to take the trash out." He spelled simply out for us before we recoiled back from him.

"So you were just outside?" Leo asked, his tone dull as he motioned to the door with his index finger. Chase nodded, his left eyebrow raising as he looked between the three of us.

"Are you guys okay?" He questioned, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead quickly after. "I know that party really took a toll on you guys, but are you sick? Did you catch something while you were there?" He rambled as he swiftly moved his hands to let his fingers grip into my upper arms worriedly.

Having Him Gone ✗ Bree Davenportحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن