Hell breaks loose on me

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"Ellania Johnson! Please put your phone down. I know that you score high grades but that does not mean you can operate devices in my class. You need to pay attention. I have noticed these days that you're quite addicted to your phone. I hope you will leave those addictions and try to concentrate on my valuable words. That is how you will score grades, after all."

In fifteen years of my life, it was the first time that my maths teacher or any other teacher had scolded me so bad. I was red as a tomato.

Can't these teachers leave us alone for sometime. I just had to post the latest chapter of my story. The comment box had already turned into a request junkyard. Also, does he not know that people are waiting and their curiosity is rising every second.

But what he cares about is, my paying attention to the topic I have already done thrice and will score 100% if he takes a test right now!

That is simply inhuman!

That was what I wanted to say, but the thoughts of detention with no phone and making my beloved readers wait for more time stopped me from barking at him. Instead, I mumbled a meek sorry.

"It's alright. Miss Johnson, I expect you to pay attention the next time."

Finally, after the class I hurried to the library and found a secluded corner for myself. I took out my phone to get engrossed in the new magical world I call wattpad. I could sit on wattpad for hours. I joined it a fortnight ago and this site gets more interesting everyday. The best book I found was ' love unbound'. It is a spectacular story about a girl who is pretty awesome at everything as everyone thinks. People think that she is an idealistic child, but what they don't know about that girl ,Alice is that she has her own problems and tragedies, which are far more complicated than our lives. It is a heart touching story. That story got quite a reads and votes.

​​​​​​I was just skimming through the comment section when I found that someone had replied to the comment I had sent for the book 'love unbound'.

LifeIsLove( Ellania):OMG! I love the end. It's so nice seeing Alice safe after the accident. Also, finally Alec(boy in the book)​​​​​ proposed to her! I will surely miss the book.

DarkLife: This story is all crap. How can she recover so easily from brain haemmorage? You know what,you should change the story a bit, let her die and let Alec forget her or just let her get a brain tumor eventually. This will sound realistic. And LifeIsLove it seems like you have shitty opinions  and crappy choices.

Who was this person?Couldn't he speak something good? Did he have to be  a bad mouth?

After my mental FAQ I decided to have a look at his profile. But that was a wrong decision because his profile gave me a splitting headache. It went like this:

Name : DarkLife

Username: HateConquersLove




Journal: If I write a journal, it is not for you to read. A crybaby like you who is engrossed in your love dreamland, will get nightmares after reading it.

Hi stalker, 
I am really not so gullible to write about myself. All you need to know is that you need to learn how to mind your own goddamned business. 
I am too dark for you, and if you really want to know me you are taking a dangerous step cause knowing my darkness will make you loose your brightness. if you have not got the idea yet, I am a DANGEROUS PERSON, so GET LOST!!

As I went through the alarmingly bad profile with the profile pic of a man standing in the dark woods, I received a message.

It was from DarkLife.

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