Prince: I will be your Nasty Girl!

Start from the beginning

Enough! I felt as though she had said everything she needed to say so I rose to my feet and asked:

"Where is the bathroom, oh and mom beautiful house."

"Well, you know your love and husband, Prince got it for me."

"Yes, of course, say now that you mentioned Prince, I'm a little sore."

"Sore did he do anything?"

"Nah nothing to worry about mom."

"Hmm, I see it in your eyes a night of passion!"

"Mom! if you don't mind I think I'm going to lay down some."

Of course, I felt sore, which is not surprising after last night's romp with Prince; I began to worry about Nate: "I Hope he is okay" Plus my breasts were getting engorged need to empty them out right away!

Later that evening, I tossed and turned in bed. So I got up and walked to the kitchen, Mom and Rick were watching a movie. That's when My phone rang; it was a call from Prince.

"Hello, Athena?"

"Hello, how are you" I began whispering. "where is my baby?"

"Nate is okay he is with Mel, he has been really fussy, but she is a pro."

"Please I want to see him, plus I need to see him."

A silent pause followed for a few minutes, then he said:

"Maybe a few days how's your mom?"

Just then Rick came over and took the phone away from my hand. He said

"Hey, Princey! What kind of jive mess do you have going on? You know that baby needs his mama."

I cringed hoping he was now going to make it worse than it is.

Prince responded, "who is this?"

"You know who this is this, boy, the man that gave you a shot when you didn't have nothing! Now do the right thing and return that baby to his mother, or have her come over to show. Where are you today."

"That's only for Athena to know" Prince replied calmly

"Boy don't play with me."

"All right Rick she can come when she's ready."

"Oh yeah how about tomorrow."

"I have an award show tomorrow, I got nominated," he said

"Congratulations! Why that's even better! Why not send us the three tickets. One for our baby girl, her mom, and mine!"

Alright, Rick!"

Rick handed the phone back to me

Prince then said:

"Got to go, Athena, consider the ticket purchase done!"

I thanked Rick.
For some reason, he was able to convince Prince.
I could not believe Prince invited me over to see him at the next tour stop in Los Angeles, and he said I would be attending the award with him! All must be forgiven!

But I wondered about the ex who came visiting who is she and what does she want from Prince.

Prince also agreed to let me join the tour because Nate would not stop crying for his mama.

Following day my mom, Rick and I took a flight to Los Angeles

Mom was impressed by the first class trip, and the fact that Prince had a limo waiting for us Rick, on the other hand, was not impressed.

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