Chapter 1

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Pain is what I feel first. A strong, dull ache from my back all the way up to my head. I moan and try to put my hand on my forehead, but I cannot move my arms. I try opening my eyes, but a small window of sunlight in front of me quickly makes me shut them once more. Feeling slightly more alert, I can tell that I am on the ground, laying down sideways, and I can hear the dirt scrape against the concrete underneath me when I move my legs. I take in a deep breath, regretting it as I do so, because my lungs feel as though they are on fire. I cough uncontrollably and then slowly start to open my eyes again. Once I finally get them all the way open, I see that I am in some kind of cell. The walls are made of dirt bricks, but the windows have metal bars on them. The roof looks like it is made of a mixture of dirt, rocks, and straw, but it is so high that any chance of making a hole to escape is impossible. I look to see why I cannot move my hands and I see that there is a chain attached to the floor and my wrists are cuffed together. I start to struggle a little to see how strong the chain is. I suddenly move the wrong way and a sharp pain goes up my spine. I cannot help but cry out and then I start to hear voices coming down the way.

“Sounds as though she’s woke up,” a gruff voice says.

“About time. I thought the master was crazy for keeping some half-dead girl we found in the middle of the forest,” a slightly nasal voice replies.

“Half-dead or not, the master said there was something about her and to keep her here and nurse her back to health,” the gruff voice responds.

“Yeah, but he didn’t say how to nurse her back to health or what conditions to do it in,” the nasally guy says, started to chuckle.

The gruff voiced man joins in and I shiver to think about what they are going to try and do to me. I look down and see that my clothes are ripped and torn in places, not leaving much to the imagination. I was very thankful though that at least I was covered somewhat, though I did not know for how much longer that would be. I heard the jingling of keys and then the unlocking of my cell. The door creaked open and I heard the men walk over to me.

“Well, well, little lady, finally awoke I see,” the gruff voiced man, said. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He was a stocky, bald man, with what looked like a beer-gut for a belly. He had stubble on his face and it looked like he had not bathed in weeks. His clothing looked odd though, like something I would have seen in a medieval movie. He wore a black leather vest with several pockets which tied in a crisscross fashion in front. His pants looked to be made of a cloth-like material, dark brown, and the legs tied with leather straps down at his boots.

“Took you long enough, wench,” the nasally guy said, still not in my line of sight to where I could see him.

“Now now, Crawley, be nice to the lady, after all, she’s going to have to go and see the master once he gets word,” the gruff voiced man said, in a sarcastic caring tone.

This Crawley character huffed and mumbled something under his breath, walking to what sounded just right outside of the cell.

The gruff voiced man came over in front of me and leaned down. His breath smelt worse than he did and it took everything I had not to gag.

“Well, I guess we need to get you cleaned up first and out of these rags before we present you to our master,” he said, his hand traveling up my leg.

I cringed at his touch and squinted my eyes shut, preparing myself for what was going to come next.

Then he unlocked the chain from the floor and stood up.

“Come on! We haven’t got all day. I won’t be doing anything to you because our master gave us clear orders that you were not to be…touched. Otherwise, I would have you on your knees this second,” he said, slightly pulling on the chain.

I did not even want to think of the alternative if this so called “Master” had not have given his orders. I did not know whether to be thankful or fearful of this man. All I knew was that I had to be very careful and if any opportunity arose to escape, I would have to take it. The man pulled on the chain and I rose to my feet shakily. As soon as I had stood up, he pulled on the chain sharply, making me fall down once more. He and Crawley laughed and he yelled, “Get up!”

This time, I rose quickly and angrily and I gave him a look that screamed for him to go to hell.

“Aw, looks like this ones going to be a bit of a spitfire. Good, the master likes a challenge,” the gruff man said.

“Come on, Gus, we will be late and you know what happens when we’re late,” Crawley whined. Crawley was a lanky man, looking like he had missed several meals. Probably because Gus had ate them all, but the man had dirty, matted blonde hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and his outfit reminded me something close to what a shipmate would wear on a boat.

They started walking and I had no choice but to follow, being led by that chain. We walked down the corridor, past several empty cells, and then we finally came to a set of stairs.

“You’ll be walking in front of us, missy. Don’t want you getting any ideas on pulling that chain and toppling the both of us down these stairs,” Gus said, pushing me in front of them. “Go on now!”

I begrudgingly started up the steps, trying to take my time. Crawley decided to push me forward some and he managed to hit a sore spot. I hissed in pain and looked back over my shoulder in anger.

“Well looks like I hit a sore spot. If you don’t pick up the pace, I’ll make sure I find it again. Now move! Faster!” Crawley yelled.

I started going up the steps as fast as I could, wincing in pain all the while. Soon, we came to a large wooden door and I was able to stop and rest for just a moment. Gus stepped in front of me to the door and knocked on it three times. A returning knock followed from the other side and I heard the click of a lock and the turn of the knob. The door opened and a man in a black robe with a hood stood on the other side.

“She’s awake and we need to take her to the master,” Gus said, in a somewhat fearful voice.

Everyone stood there in silence for a moment and I tried to see if I could tell who was underneath the hood of the robe. The robed person held out their gloved hand and said in a voice so low I almost could not make it out, “Give her here and I will take her.”

“But the master said-” Gus started to protest.

The robed person moved so fast, I did not even noticed they had moved until they were right in front of Gus’ face.

“I said, give me the girl and I will take her. Is that clear?” the robed person said, just as quiet as before.

Gus nodded his head and handed the chain over to the robed person. The robed person turned around and started walking through the doorway, giving the chain a slight tug, letting me know it was time to move again. Gus and Crawley stood there in fear as I walked away from them. I smirked at the thought of those two losing their lives, but my amusement was quickly replaced by fear and uncertainty of where this robed person was taking me.

The surroundings started changing as we walked silently through the halls. The walls looked to be made of a light grey stone and they started to resemble more of a castle wall, than a dirty prison. The robed person kept a steady pace, making it easy for me to follow, almost as though they knew I was in pain. We walked up a few flights of stairs, slowly, and started walking through more hallways and doors, until we finally came upon some large double doors.

“Wait,” the robed person said, quietly.

They entered the room and I stood there wondering if I should take the chance to escape. I remembered how fast the robed person moved earlier and decided that it was in my best interest to stay where I was at. I was startled out of my thoughts when I heard a quiet voice in front of me say “Enter.”

I took a deep breath, stood up straight, and walked through the doors.

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