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                             was him that guy who was sitting next to me on the aeroplane, he looked so hot in his shorts, he had 4 cute friends, they were all playing volleyball on the beach and the ball came to me that guy came running over to me act natural I said to myself,

josh pov's

I was running to get the ball and I noticed it was that girl who I was sitting next to on the plane she looked beautiful, hi I said smiling at her hey I said she had a beautiful smile, I'm sorry the ball didn't hit you right I asked no it didn't she said back I just wanted to sit here and talk to her all day. do you wanna play volleyball with me and mates I asked hoping she will say yes, why not she said whats your name by the way she asked josh, josh Cuthbert I said nice to meet you josh i'm Emma by the way. nice to meet you Emma i smiled at her i grabbed her hand and picked her up we ran back to the boys and i introduced her to everyone, they all seemed to like her. we started playing volleyball it was me, George and JJ against, Emma, jaymi and olly that was jaymi's boyfriend. she was really good at volleyball but just not good enough as me she hit the ball in my face and winked at me because i was teasing her because her team was losing. i ran to her and picked her up and dropped her in the water she came chasing after me she was a fast runner so she got me we both fell over we had a laughing fit. she had a cute laugh i started tickling her which made her cry stop, stop josh she said but she looked angry and in pain i quickly stopped oh my god are you okay i was only joking i asked but she didn't answer me she went running off what happened i said to myself

Emma's pov

i ran to my hotel my bruises were on show and i was in so much pain i dropped on to my bed when i got in my hotel i started crying i always mess everything up i went and had a quick bath i needed a night out and have fun. i did my make up i curled my hair, i wore little kitten heels because i couldn't really walk in heels i was a high tops girls i put a white lace dress on and made my way to the club i hope i don't see josh ever again i would be too embarassed to face him and answer his questions

Josh's pov

we all had a night out we went to a club called bejoux it was one of the best clubs in austrailia i went to que up and i saw Emma she was wearing a white lace dress she looked beautiful as usual, but she was on her own i felt that was quite odd i waved at her but she didn't look i juat ignored it and went back to the que

*****few hours laters*****

Emma's pov

i was so smashed i was at the bar and this guy was chatting me up i just went along with it i was too smashed to even think about it he could of been a weirdo and i wouldn't off known he dragged me to the toilets and he locked me in cubicle with him he start touching me up and down get off me i screamed, i pushed him off i started screaming he covered my mouth and start touching me his grip was too tight i couldn't get out i started crying

josh's pov

i went to have a wee i heard banging in one of cubicles i just ignored it and went to have a wee i washed my hands then the girl start screaming i kicked the door open it was Emma i grabbed her out the cubicle and punched the guy he fell on the floor Emma was crying i hugged and rubbed her back can you take me back to the hotel she cried ofcourse i said i told the boys what happened they all were worried they wanted to come but i told them to stay they listened. we walked back to Emma's hotel she was shivering so i put my jacket round her i put my arm around her and rubbed her arm she gave me a weak smile we got to her hotel she told me to come in so i agreed.

"are you okay i asked"

i'm fine can we not talk about it she said"

okay i said i grabbed her hand and pulled her to me i whipped her tears away she hugged me and i hugged her back I rubbed her back whispearing soothing words in her ear she stopped crying and went to the bathroom to get changed.

she walked out with a baggy tshirt and shorts on she looked cute i'm so sorry about earlier she said she sat on the bed and patted the bed gesturing me to sit there so i did.

" its okay what happened if you don't mind me asking did i do something wrong i asked"

no you didn't do anything wrong josh i will tell you all about it later, do you want to stay here the night she asked me ofcouse i said excitedly

Emma's pov

josh was sleeping in my bed he looked so cute sleeping i kissed him on the forehead and turned the light of


hi guys i hope you like it, i know its not that good but it will get interesting more drama will come and the boys will be in it more please spread the word about the fanfic. vote and comment please would love feedback

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