Harric 2

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"HARRY POTTER!!!" Dumbledore boomed Harry heard the voicd and lifted his head up he looked around some looked angry at him and some looked pityfully at him Harry gulped and hid his face then Dumbledoor repeated "HARRY POTTER" Hermionie pushed him "Just go Harry" she said and Harry Grudgingly stood up and walked to the front he grabbed the pice of paper that was shoved to him and he went to the door Dumbledoor pointed and Harry was fully aware Dumbledoor was giving him the snake eye and he went through the door the other champions kooked at him, then Fluer spoke up "why are you here?" she spoke in her thick french accent Harry showed the paper and she gasped the the Bulgarian spoke up "How did a fifteen year old get picked? And how did you even put your name in?" Harry was beyond angry he was furious he was just listening to the announcement and he was suddenly called then he snapped, "DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THIS COMPETITION THAT COULD KILL ME!" The bulgarians face paled and Hary felt hands on his shoulders "don't worry Harry I believe you" Harry felt relief wash over him "Thanks Cedric" He smiled fondly to Harry then the doors bust open madam Maxime the Buexbaton Headmisstres entered swatting a lamp away "he's a cheat!!", then Dumbledoor pushed him to the wall "Harry did you put your name in the goblet?!" Harry scowled "do you really think I would do that, I didn't even want to join this stupid tournamet!" He replied then Dumbledoor let go of him and started pacing around the room then Cornelius Fudge entered the room "Does he have to join the competition Cornelius, he is under aged and inexperienced" asked Igor the headmaster of Durmstrang "according to the rules of the goblet he has to join the tournament, and if your gonna ask there is no loophole or anything, he has to join" Conelius stated and Dumbledore rubbed the brigde of his nose and sighed "Fine, he will join but Diggory, you have to train him and I don't wanna hear any buts, now everyone can join the feast" Dumbledoor waved a hand of dissmisal and all left but Harry and Cedric stayed behind "are you okay Harry?" He asked abd Harry replied sadly "don't worry about me I have had alot of instances where other people make my desscions for me, but I'm fine so when will we start training me and where?" Cedric smiled sadly at him "do you wanna go to the kitchens with me so we can disscuss?" Harry smirked "are you asking me on a date?" Cedric laughed "shut it Potter, don't get sassy on me so do you wanna disscuss or not?" Harry smiled "yeah but I don't kow where it is do you?" It was now Cedrics time to smirk "ofcourse Harry I am after all a prefect so let's go now?" Harry nodded and they went out the door went out the great hall not minding anyone that called out and they went straight to the basement and towards a a wall with a fruit bowl painting and Cedric tickled the pear....

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