Message from the past

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Caitlin stepped out of the car and looked up at her house. Her beautiful house. The one she had wanted, more than anything in the world. She had always thought, from the moment she moved into her dream house, life would be perfect for her and Aiden. How different had it been, since they shared their lives together there.

As a child she had often said to her granny "when I'm old enough I will buy the house with the eyes, that's my house grandma." Because the house was old, plants had grown against it which made the windows look like eyes, staring at her. A lot of people thought as it as creepy, but not Caitlin. She dreamed away, by the fancy, rich people who must have lived there once. Her granny always smiled when she said that. "Of course dear, if you work hard enough you can get anything you want."

But unfortunately her granny had been wrong. She couldn't get everything she wanted, by working hard. Tears were falling down her cheek, even though she had promised herself not to cry. Aiden carefully took her hand and smiled a bit when he said softly "Next time it will work sweetheart." "We won't give up." "I want this baby just as much as you do." He tenderly squeezed her hand, while he took her in his arms. " With all our love together sweetie, God will give us our baby." "I know for sure He will help us."

Her sweet Aiden. Always positive. That's why she loved him so much. But this time he couldn't cheer her up. The pain was to intense. "Can you handle it, to enter the house?" Aiden asked. "Or shall we go to Tom's?" Tom was their friend and he had started a pub, where Caitlin sang once in a while. It always made her feel good, but not this time. "No, it's okay." "I want to go home" Caitlin whispered. As Aiden opened the door, Caitlin felt a cold wind from inside the house going out. She shivered all over. "Did you feel that too?" she asked Aiden. But he probably didn't, because he asked her surprised "What, sweetie?" "I didn't feel anything." Caitlin doubted if she would tell him, but she changed her mind and said, "oh never mind I must have imagined it."

Aiden hung up their coats and as he walked to the kitchen he asked, "would you like something to drink babe? I'll take a pine, football is coming up. Are you joining me?" Caitlin tried to smile. She didn't wanted to spoil his mood, which was obviously much better than hers. "No thank you," she said. "I think I'm going to read a book in bed. Get my mind of things." He turned around and looked at her worried. He was sad about the loss of their baby boy as well, but he realized the impact for Caitlin was much bigger as for him. He already thought about the times he was aloud to try to create a new baby. Caitlin, on the other hand, would be mourning the next couple of months, about the loss of this baby.

"Are you okay?" He asked her and took her in his arms to kiss her tenderly. "If you want to talk about it, I'll let the telly out." Even if he didn't feel the same pain as she did, her Aiden was one of a kind. She smiled, gave him a big hug and kissed him passionately. "I love you so much." That's why I want your baby so badly" she whispered as tears came in her eyes again. "Honestly sweetie, with the news we got today and the loss off our baby yesterday, I'm scared it's not meant to be for us." Aiden kissed her tears away and with a naughty smile on his face he said "but we can keep on trying." "Oh Aiden! That's really a men's answer!" Caitlin said out loud and hit him against his chest. "Go get your beer and I hope your boys in green will win!" He gazed into her beautiful green eyes and when he saw a little smile in it, he knew she wouldn't stay angry. She never could. He always made her laugh again and within minutes, sometimes hours, their argument was over. He looked at the clock. "Oh football is starting!" He yelled, grabbed his beer, put on the television and sat down on the couch. He put his legs on the table and screamed at the telly as if someone could hear him "Ready, steady, go!"

Caitlin looked at him once again and then turned around to walk up the stairs. Her beautiful stairs in her beautiful old house. How happy she had been, when they heard the vendor agreed with their offer. "It's my house now granny" she had whispered with tears in her eyes as she looked up at the sky. Her granny had not lived long enough to hear the happy news about the house, but Caitlin knew for sure she knew. Sometimes, when she walked around the house, she scented her grandmother's perfume, a sign for her, she was still around. A perfume which wasn't for sale anymore, called Gemm. She would never forget that name in her life. Gran always asked her to buy it, when she travelled by plane. Her sweet granny. She missed her now more than ever.

Caitlin came on the first floor to walk straight to her bedroom, when she suddenly opened the door to the baby's bedroom. Why she did that, she didn't know, but it would change her life for ever.....

She opened the door and walked into her beautiful decorated baby room. It had been her job for years, decorating other people's houses, before she started her job at the bank. She wanted a fairytale room for her little baby boy, so that's what she created, a fairytale. Even the wooden Donald Duck in his airplane, which Caitlin got from her gran a long time ago, was hanging on the ceiling. Ready to fly away to this new baby boy, who should have been born within 7 months . It was not meant to be. Caitlin took the cuddle bear out of the crib and sat down on the floor with her back against the wall. The tears kept on coming and she wasn't even trying to hold them back.

The sun was slowly going down and the last rays softly shined into the room and onto her tearful face. "A warm grins of the sun" she said cynical as if she was reading a good book. The sun didn't care, that her sunshine had died yesterday. She touched her belly, while tears kept on falling down her face. "Why did you had to go sweetheart?" "Mummy loved you so much already." With her other arm tightly around the cuddle bear, she felt more empty and more tired than she had ever felt before. Tired of all the emotions she had to cope with the last few years, tired of feeling so lonely and tired of fighting for her happiness.

Losing her baby for the third time had just been to much. Lost in her thoughts, she stared at the last sun-rays coming in through the window and it surprised her, how quickly they changed the atmosphere in the room. Caitlin closed her eyes. How much she had just wanted it, to be a bad dream. That the moment she would open her eyes, she would realize everything would turn out just fine. Unfortunately dreams like that didn't exist in this case.

Although Caitlin's eyes were still closed, she suddenly had a feeling someone was in the room with her. She opened her eyes and when she looked up, she saw a lady standing by the window, looking outside. Caitlin wanted to scream at first, but no sound came out of her mouth. She could only gaze at her. The lady kept on staring out of the window, probably caught up in her own thoughts. "Who are you?" Caitlin asked softly. The lady turned around and Caitlin had a feeling she knew her from somewhere.

"I am you" she answered to her amazement. Caitlin couldn't believe what she just heard. "That's not possible." "You can't be me." "I'm sitting here looking different than you do." But looking at her more closely, she saw that their faces were very much alike. Especially their eyes. She had the same eyes like Caitlin. Even their expression was the same. Though the lady in front of her had a beautiful white skin, as if it was made out of porcelain. She wore a gorgeous black dress made of a handmade fabric, decorated with the most beautiful pearls and stones Caitlin had ever seen. She looked like she came out of the 19the century. Everything about her was elegant, her face, the way she moved, her skinny waistline and the well shaped breasts, of which she could see the curves on the top of the dress.

"What's your name?" Caitlin asked. "I'm lady Ashley" she said elegantly and tried to smile a little. Caitlin frowned. "Ashley?" She asked as if she didn't heard her correctly the first time. "Yes, that's your middle name, I know" lady Ashley answered. Caitlin thought she was loosing her mind. Or was she still dreaming? "But if you know who I am, why don't I know who you are?" She asked and tried to understand what was happening here in front of her. Lady Ashley walked up to her and sat beside her on the ground. Her impressive dress covered a great part of the floor around them, as she sat down. Caitlin just couldn't stop gazing at her. She was so beautiful.

Ashley put her hand on Caitlin's arm and said softly "you left unfinished business behind in the past and I can't change it." "I'm very sorry, but I'm not strong enough to handle all this." "I need your help." She begged Caitlin and looked at her with sadness in her eyes. "If things don't change, your life isn't going to be any better as well." "Please finish it Caitlin!" "I can't explain, but trust me." Caitlin first looked down at the elegant hand laying on her arm and then at lady Ashley's face. "But how?" Caitlin whispered. "How do I know what's the right thing to do?" Ashley smiled and gently touched her face. "You'll know." You will know what to do." "Though it won't be easy, believe me." "You're conscience will be tested a lot of times, but listen to your heart and you will know exactly what to do." "Take my hand and I will show you." Caitlin knew instinctively she could trust her, even though she couldn't explain why. She also realized she had nothing to lose, so she gave Ashley her hand and felt how she fell in a deep, dark sleep...

A child from the pastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ