Freaking the dementors

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The anticipated pain didn't come. Frowning she opened her eyes. She was standing on a different platform. A train was in front of her. Apparently it was some Hogwarts express. Gwen stared in disbelief. What just happened? 

Then she remembered. The cops were chasing her. The train might be an opportunity to run away. She didn't have a home to return or a family waiting for her. She might as well grab this Opportunity.  " Aren't you getting on the train?" a soft voice made her jump. A red haired woman pointed at the train. While she had been contemplating, the train had started and was picking up speed. Gwen started running again. Two hands shot out and helped her in. " Thanks" panting she looked at the red haired twins. " You are pretty fast" one of them observed. " Light weighted and agile" another chanted. " Perfect for seeker" they finished together. " Creepy aren't you" Gwen remarked. " Fred and George Weasely" they introduced themselves. " Pleasure " she said walking past them. " Hey!! whats your name?" she ignored them walking past compartments.

There was a lady with a trolley full of food. Her stomach growled with hunger. " What do you want dear" she asked. Gwen glanced at the items. They all looked weird. She doubted anything was free. She looked behind her a certain blonde was approaching them. She grabbed the nearest packet. " My boyfriend will pay" she said. The lady smiled kindly at her. Gwen hurried away. She could hear the boy quarreling with the lady. Suddenly the train stopped. Gwen groaned. Had they reached already? She would have to look for shelter again. Slowly it grew dark and chaotic. People were getting frantic. Somebody tripped on her. Gwen caught the little girl before she could fall. The girl whimpered. She was shaking violently. Gwen supported her. " Are you okay?" Gwen asked.  The door of the nearest compartment slid open. Gwen could make out a bushy haired girl. " Ginny?" the girl called. "Hermione!!" Ginny whispered. " What happened?" the new girl named Hermione asked Gwen. Gwen shrugged " I just met her." Hermione ushered them in. It was quite cramped in there. There were several voices. " Quiet" a hoarse voice said." Lumous" said the same voice. From nowhere light appeared. Gwen stared at the stick that had flames coming from the edge. The compartment door opened and an hooded figure entered. Ginny started shaking badly again. Then a bespectacled boy in front of Gwen collapsed. "Harry" the group yelled together. Gwen moved towards the figure and out of curosity tried to pull his hood. The figure stiffened. Then disappeared into thin air. 

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