School Begins

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Today was my first day back to Constance after a 8 months, I'm surprised no one has asked me where I was or what I got up too, only my Mum and Nate knew where I was, I didn't want my father to know cause then he would have come and found me. I woke up and got dressed for my first day, I made my way downstairs and grabbed an apple and headed out the door with Nate and Chuck. 


At school....

We made our way through the tall big gates, and I was welcomed by Blairs so called friends, when really everyone knows they're her minions.

"Ugh, look who's back in town? What a bitch?" They said, I half laughed which caused them too turn around and face me. The scoffed when they saw you laughed.

"What'd you just say?" I asked, they turned around to face me.

"Oh, I'm sure you heard us, you slut." One said, I started getting angry

"You have got to be kidding me, I'm no slut, okay, you two are and quite pathetic too I might add, being Blairs minions can't be much fun." I said, one was about to say something but nothing came out of her mouth, then Blair herself came down the stairs to see what was taking them so long.

"Ugh Kati, Is where is my yogurt, you're taking so long." Blair said as she walked over to Nate and kissed him

"Oh we were just talking to this piece of trash." Is said

"Oi hell no, if any one here is the trash, it's you two little bitches." I said, Chuck pulled me away. "woah Nic, calm down." Chuck said,

 "How can I calm down when these two morons are calling me a slut and a piece of trash." I said getting a bit upset. He pulled me into a hug. Blair obviously saw my uniform and had to make a gross comment didn't she, she is just lucky Nate had already left, that's probably why is gonna be a bitch to me now

"Chuck, seriously why on earth are you keeping this whore from having a go at my friends." Blair asked trying to be nice, but then her smirk appeared which meant she was up to something. I turned around to now have a go a Blair.

"wow, is that what ya gonna call em. Your friends?  aha, everyone knows they're just your minions because they can't be queen themselves cause well you're too bitchy to be a minion, oh by the way, how is it filling Serenas shoes as queen, it is quite nice that you're keeping her seat warm for her." I said smirking and giving her my resting bitch face as I made my way up the stairs to class, I left her and her minions standing there dumb-founded. 

"Wow, I'm impressed, you come back from the land down under a different person." Chuck said. 

I looked at him confused, "How did you know I was in Australia?" I asked

"I'm Chuck Bass, I know everything." He said. I scoffed at his remark. "Okay, okay, I got my p.i to find you." He said, I just hugged me. 

"What was that hug for?" He asked as I pulled away

"For caring so much, that you sent ya p.i down to hunt me." I said kissing his cheek.

"You know it also doesn't help that you have now kinda got an Aussie accent... I must admit it is a turn on." he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes, "In ya dreams Bass." I said smirking and making my way to class. I made sure my hips moved sexy when I walked away from Chuck, just to tease him, it is kinda a hobby of mine, kind of in a way. 

It was finally lunch and I made my way to the steps and I met up with Serena.

"Hey S, how are you?" I asked

"Hey N, yeah I'm good, would be better if Blair wasn't being so....." "Blair?" I said finishing her sentence.

"Exactly." She said smiling as she hugged me. "So, I heard about your little show this morning in front of school, you being a bitch to the queen and her minions, wow I'm impressed." Serena said as I saw Blair and just smiled at her and I made my way up the stairs purposely sitting higher than Blair.

"Wow, now you're gonna sit higher than B?" S asked

"Um yeah, not me though, WE are." I said emphasizing the 'we'. She sat next to me. Blair made her way up the stairs to me.

"Ugh hum, you can't sit higher than me." Blair said

"Oh, what is this a rule that is written that I can't?" I asked, knowing that Blair hadn't written the rules of the Hierarchy down. 

"Look, you just can't." Is said

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it, pour yogurt on our heads, or publicly humiliate us on Gossip Girl, Oh wait you can't do any of them." I said smirking at Serena, she was just quietly sitting there.

"Why's that?" Kati asked

"Well firstly, you're out of yogurt and secondly, you don't know our secrets." I said smirking

"How do you know that we don't know your secrets?" Penelope asked

"Well, cause you don't know why S left, and you don't know why I left, plus last time I checked, Me and Serena haven't told you guys any of our secrets in years, so." I said smirking, now if you'll excuse me, I have a limo to catch home and so does S."

Serena looked at me confused,"I do?" She asked, I nodded. "Yep, you S are coming home with me and Nate." I said 

"Hold up, how do you know Nate?" Blair asked

"I'm his sister, you moron." I said "How did you not remember I'm a little hurt. Kinda, not really." I said, Blair just looked at me confused. I was getting confused as to why she was confused. "Oh yeah, I forgot, I have an accent, I'm tan and I dyed my hair." I said "That explains why you don't remember me." I said walking away linking arms with S. God I can't believe Blair seriously didn't recognise me. I am actually a little hurt if I'm being honest. 

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