She Deserves My Love.

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I've known a girl since I was born in skin,

who has been through life's thick and thin.

Who has given the world what it doesn't deserve;

indefinite compassion and too much of love.

I know a girl who has a heart of gold.

She keeps getting stabbed by memories so old.

Yet you always see her wearing a smile.

She doesn't deserve this world, so hateful and vile.

I know a girl who's fallen from peaks of her life,

pushed by people who, behind their backs, held a knife.

They bruised her soul, scarred her for forever,

yet to forgive them is what she always tried to endeavor.

I know a girl who has been broken by many,

yet she'll happily fix your broken pieces, if any.

She has spent nights soaking her sleeves and pillow ,

with drops of pearl that, from her eyes, would flow.

Though sometimes I'm on the verge of giving up on her,

for I'm tired of bearing the pain she suffers.

But who shall love her if I do not?

Why'd anyone love her,if she herself does not?

Why did I hate her when in this world of demons,

she's never been anything less than an angel?

How could I hate the girl who's been a walking gem?

All she deserves is love,

the girl that resides within.

- Nazneen Meethal ❤

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