The Incident

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It was a dark stormy night, and my brother Edward was told to go around back to get some firewood. As I stood at the window and watched Edward go get some firewood I saw something grab him. I ran outside to see what had happened when I noticed he and whatever grabbed him was out of sight, no tracks to be seen, That's when I went inside for help, but I couldn't find my parents. That is when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, my heart was pounding when I saw that it was just my parents. I ran over to them and told them what had happened, and then and there is when it all started.

The next day my parents called the police. The police said that what I saw was just in my head, because there was only one pair of tracks not two so he probably just ran away. As the officer continued to talk I thought to myself, why would he run away? That's when I heard the officer say to my mom "We will do everything we can to find your son". Then he drove away.

We all went back inside the house and things were pretty quite, so I decided to go up to my room when I heard my mom say "Marnie we will be back later your father and I are going out for a little bit".

"Okay" I called down , but they had already left the house. As I sat in my room and wrote in my journal I wondered why would my parents be going out if Edward had just gone missing? Then I heard the door slam and my mom say honey were home, and I ran downstairs. Something smelled like pizza, so more than likely they probably went out for pizza. "So honey did anything happen while we were gone asked mom?" Nope I replied, just same old same old. Then I went up to bed.

As soon as I woke up the next day I got dressed and went outside to look for clues. Then as I was walking I felt something hit me in the head and I fell and shut my eyes. Although my eyes where closed I good still hear. I kept thinking just get up get up, and that's when I felt myself being lifted. When I finally felt myself being dropped it felt like leaves as though I was far in the woods. I then heard silence, and then I knew I was alone.

It must have been days, weeks, months later when I finally woke up. I looked around and I was in the middle of the woods. I was so hungry and I knew I had to eat or I would starve to death. What's this I felt on my head it was dry blood. I knew what had happened I thought, someone saw me looking for clues and knew that there was a clue and if I had found it they would have been caught for good. So they decided to hit me in the head with a rock and hope that I was dead so I could never find the key to my brother going missing. Then and here I knew if I was going to crack this case I was going to have to be a lot sneakier.

Hours later I ended up back at my house and when I walked in my parents couldn't believe there eyes, I was home. They both hugged me and asked me where were you, are you alright? "Look at your head it was bleeding said my mother." That's when we all sat down after I washed the blood out of my hair and was feed. I told them everything that had happened. then I asked my dad what the day was. he said it was July 17th. I was gone for a 6 weeks.

After my talk with my parents I went up to my room and when I pasted Edwards room I noticed it was empty as though he had never existed. I was starting to feel like I was going to be the next one to disappear. I had to stay hidden for awhile, I thought. This was serious, did the person that took Edward hurt him, did they kill him, if the knew I was trying to figure this case, would they hurt me? These were all questions that raced through my mined as I stood before the door of my once brother's bedroom.

The next day was quite, considering that my parents left me a note saying the would be gone for a while, and didn't know when they would be back. The note also said that they have left their money behind to me. Wouldn't they need money, I wondered. Now things were getting very strange. Then I realized that I had been abandoned, and I knew my parents hadn't been kidnapped because, my parents handwriting was on the note. Plus the money was all there in our safe place. I then felt a sudden tear in my eye. I then picked up the phone , and called the police.

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