The Number on the Thing

Start from the beginning

“But honey, I haven’t told you about the different foods I packed you…” Mrs. Bailey tried to wiggle her way out of her daughter’s clutches but to no avail.

“That’s all right.” Janice grunted with the effort of forcing her out. “We’ll figure it out.”

“Just don’t forget to put the sandwiches in the fridge first, or they’ll…”

“I got it, Mom.” Push.

“And your winter coat…”

“Mom!” Shove.

“Okay!” Her mom planted her feet and stood firm at the doorway. “Okay, okay, I’m going…! Just remember what I told you, don’t forget to eat…” Her mom’s eyes began to well up. She cupped her daughter’s face in her hands. “I can’t believe you’re all grown up…!”

“Mom…!” Janice rolled her eyes.

Mrs. Bailey turned to Lisa. “But really, she’s still a little baby.” She put one arm around her baby. “Look at her! All skin and bones. Because she always forgets to eat…”


“It’s true!” Mrs. Bailey kept her eyes on Lisa. “She never eats…! Please help me keep an eye on her. She never eats.”

“Okay! I’ll eat!”

“…so if the two of you should ever run out of food or need anything…”

Janice eased the older woman out and shut the door in her mom’s face.

Lisa’s eyes widened. “Why did you do that? That’s not very nice…!”

Janice laughed. “Come on, let’s go check out your room…!”


Three weeks into university. Things were settling into a routine. Wake up. Classes. Lunch. More classes. Study. Eat. Go to sleep. Repeat.

In the mornings, after Janice woke up and peed, she always washed her hands, slipped out of her bathrobe and then stepped onto the scale. This morning was no different.

She peered down at the read-out. The number in the window read 120 pounds.

Lisa sidled up behind her. “What does it say?”

Janice jumped off. She pulled her bathrobe back on. “What the…!” She had left the door open and didn’t hear her roommate come in. “What are you doing in here?”

“What did it say?”

“What?” Janice flicked a glance at the scale. “None of your business…!”

“Oh, it’s no big deal! I bet you’re about 120. Right?”

“No, that’s crazy! There’s no way I weigh that much!”

“What’s wrong with 120? I think I’m 120…!”

“Yeah, but that’s fat! I’m not as fat as you…!”

“I’m not fat! 120 is just fine for a girl about 5 foot 4. That’s about your height too right?”

“I might be 5 foot 4 but I’m not 120…!”

Lisa shrugged. “Whatever.” She twirled around and shuffled back out into the kitchen. She went on with her breakfast that she had started earlier.

Janice sauntered over and had a look. Eggs and bacon. “You know, that’s going to go straight to your thighs.”

“I like my thighs. Ryan likes my thighs too. You could use a boyfriend. Maybe he could talk some sense into you.”


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