2) The Wizard & The Monster

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Turns out it wasn't really hard to come up with the plans at all, minus the fact that Troy and James would interrupt them by teasing them for no reason.

Mike pedaled faster than he probably had ever before, making him wait five extra minutes just for the others to arrive.

They took everything to the basement, like normal. As Dustin happened to pick up "Dungeons & Dragons".

They had already went through fifteen different assortments of plans that never satisfied Mike, except for a particular one constructed by Dustin.

Dustin took out the board to "Dungeons & Dragons" turning it to where it was facing upside down. Next he placed the wizard and the Demogorgan.

"If you remember, Eleven showed us that whoever was trapped in the Upside Down would be the wizard, and they'd be tied down with the Demogorgan. Since she technically disappeared with the monster, she'd have to be connected to it, leading to where she'd be dragged back to the Demogorgan's home. If we could somehow get into the Upside Down, all we'd have to do is find her, make sure her presence is unknown to any living thing down there, and get her out. Easy right?"

This seemed to be the only thing Mike would reason with, so he nodded. Both Lucas and Will agreed because while it was logical, it was also the only thing Mike would associate with.

They decided the best idea would be to do it that weekend since it happened to be four day one.

Everyone seemed to have a different view for saving Eleven. Dustin seemed to be very excited, maybe even too excited. Lucas was most likely more ready then the rest because he had always thought the idea of saving would be great. Will was actually a tad nervous about the whole idea because who wouldn't be scared to go back to the place where you were almost killed by blood hungry monster?

On the other hand, Mike couldn't keep still for a second while thinking of the idea. He'd finally get to be with Eleven, and he'd make sure no one, or no thing would ever take her away from him again.

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