The Girl

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A/N: To all those girls out there, who are ever afraid that you do not matter... You do matter. 

"The girl"

I am the girl who cares too much about everything. I am the girl who tries her hardest to do the right thing, no matter how much it may hurt in the end. I am the girl who is loyal. I am a girl who would do anything for the people she cares about. I am the girl who forgives too easily, even when she shouldn't. I am the funny girl, the girl who would give anything to make the world smile. I am the girl who loves with her whole heart.

I am not the girl who is chosen. I am not the girl who is loved back. I am not the girl that people notice. I am not the girl who makes a scene. I am not the girl that people fight for. I am not the girl who is wanted.

But I do know, that Ideserve to be someone's one and only. I have enough self-respect to know that Ideserve a guy who will want me and only me. I deserve a guy who will fight forme, no matter how hard it will be. I deserve to be treated with respect. Andabove all, I deserve a guy who will do anything to make me smile.  

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