Once the term started Quidditch practice began again. Oliver Wood was in high spirits as the Gryffindor’s team trained, even though it was pouring outside and everyone was covered in mud. The twins were worried that Oliver was becoming obsessed with the game.

Harri didn’t mind. She wanted the Gryffindor team to win and overtake Slytherin in the house cup. She also might have wanted to see the utter disappointment in Alya’s face when she won.

Of course, her happiness was shattered during one especially muddy practice when Oliver was yelling at the twins, who were dive-bombing each other and pretending to fall off their brooms. “Will you two knock it off! This is what is going have us lose! Snape is refereeing the match!”

That was when George actually fell of his broom and ended up getting a face full of mud. “That bias git is refereeing? He’s going to be taking points off us left and right so we won’t overtake Slytherin!” he shouted as he spit mud out of his mouth.

“That is why we have to play a clean game!” Oliver told him. Harri sighed, there went her chances of seeing Alya’s disappointed face. She was going to have to fight for this one.

When Harri got back to the common room she found Hermione watching a chess match between Ron and Draco, who had managed to smuggle himself into the Gryffindor common room, again. “So, what’s going on?” Harri asked as she approached the three first years.

“This has been going on for about two hours already. Neither of them is giving an inch,” Hermione answered. There had been a feud of chess matches between Ron and Draco for the past few days. Ron and found out that Draco had a talent when it came to chess and challenged him. Ron had lost, but only barely. The twins couldn’t believe it when they heard about it. No one could beat Ron at chess. Draco just shrugged it off. He just concentrated on the match and nothing else. Draco had always enjoyed a good chess match and did his best to infuriate Ron by beating him. 

Ron’s reactions to losing always amused Harri, so she sat down and watched the end of the match. Ron’s king was backed into a corner. “Checkmate,” Draco said as he moved his queen for his final move.

When the blonde haired first year looked up to see Harri’s face he noticed that she looked troubled. “Something up?”

“Your godfather is refereeing the match against Hufflepuff,” she replied with a shrug. She still wasn’t convinced that he was trying to kill her. From everything she had heard about him she doubted that he would kill her. He might be a spiteful man, but he wasn’t a killer.

“Are you sure you still want to play?” Hermione asked her. She was substantially paler than she had been a few moments prior to Harri’s announcement.

“Of course, I was raised to never back down from a challenge and this is definitely a challenge,” Harri said with a smile. Suddenly playing the game didn’t seem that bad.

As the match drew closer she kept running into Snape, but the meetings weren’t malicious. He wasn’t trying to intimidate her, it was more like he was waiting for something to attack her. She just pretended not to notice.

Potions class was another story. He was a git to her during those weekly lessons, but she made sure that her potions were perfect and her grades reflected that, but he always tried to make her snap so he’d have a reason to yell at her.

And before she knew it, it was time for the match. Harri hadn’t really listened to Oliver’s pep talk before the match. She was too busy worrying about what Hermione was planning on doing to Snape if something went wrong. That was until Fred pointed out that Dumbledore was watching. She smiled, even if Snape did try anything, which she doubted he would, he wouldn’t try anything now that the headmaster was there.

Hermione and Draco were sitting in the stands with Neville waiting nervously for Harri to walk onto the field. Draco noticed that his godfather had suddenly looked angrier than he had a few moments ago. He was about to comment on it, but the match had started. “And they’re off,” he muttered to himself.

Out of nowhere someone smacked Draco hard on the back of the head, nearly causing him to fall off his seat. He turned around to see his cousin smirking at him. He sent a nasty glare back at her. That was when she got an evil glint in her eyes.

“You know. I think I know how they chose people for the quidditch teams in Gryffindor! It’s all about feeling sorry for people. Potter doesn’t have any parents, the Weasley twins have no money. Draco, you would be perfect for the team seeing as you don’t have any friends or fam-” Draco cut her off by launching himself over the seat as he attacked Alya. He had been in a foul mood all week and just needed an excuse to attack her. Neville jumped into the fight to take on Crabbe and Goyle who were attempted to pry Draco off his cousin.

Hermione wasn’t paying attention to anything that was going on around her, she was too busy watching the game. Hermione gasped as Harri went into dive that brought everyone on the stands to their feet. Harri shot past Snape, missing him by inches as she grabbed the snitch. The match hadn’t even lasted five minutes and Gryffindor had won.

About half an hour later Harri was getting ready to put her broom away she saw Snape’s hooded figure heading for the Forbidden Forest. “That looks sketchy,” she commented to herself as she hopped on her broom and silently followed him into the forest.

When Snape got deeper into the forest Quirrell appeared. She listened to them argue with each other. Snape seemed to want to know if the defense teacher had gotten past Fluffy, but why would he be asking that? Did Snape suspect Quirrell of foul play? Sadly, she couldn’t hear the entire conversation over the sounds of the animals in the forest. She figured that she shouldn’t try her luck and flew back to the castle, only to be questioned by Hermione and Draco. The twins were too busy celebrating Gryffindor’s victory to care about the safety of the school.

“So Snape is trying to get Quirrell to tell him how to get past Fluffy? Our stuttering defense teacher is the only hope for the school? It’ll be gone by Monday, if not tonight,” Hermione said with her head in her hands.

“Or, if you’d listen to Harri, she thinks that Snape is trying to intimidate Quirrell so he doesn’t go after the stone,” Draco snapped. He was sick of Hermione thinking that she was always right.

“It doesn’t matter either way. One of our teachers is after the stone and we have to figure out how to stop them,” Harri sighed.

Three more chapters to go! See you there!



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