Chapter Two.

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When the bell rang, I made my way to my first class. Music. One of my favorite subject, mainly because the teacher’s really cool. He’s into rock music and basically lets us do whatever we went most of the time. Today was no different. When I got to class, there was only one seat left, not that it made a difference, there is no one I would have wanted to sit with anyways. I didn’t really know the guy I was sitting next to, though I had seen him around. His name is Jared, no Gerard. Yes, that’s right, Gerard. He kept to himself most of the time; he was very art-y and only really talked to his little brother. I decided that talking to him might make this a bit less awkward, since these would be our seats for the whole year.

I tried to think of something to say, but I’m very socially awkward and I have no idea how to talk to strangers. I noticed he was sketching something, and decided to start with a compliment, not that I would be bullshitting; his drawings are amazing.

“That’s really good.” I said so quietly that he barley heard me. I wish he didn’t hear, at least then I could have said ‘at least I tried’ and not bothered ever again.

“Oh, thank you.” He said just as quietly as I had. His lips were curled into a small smile. I had never noticed before, but he was very attractive. His hair was almost shoulder length, jet black and messy. His hazel eyes were absolutely gorgeous, and made even brighter by the small amount of eyeliner framing them.

“Um, I’m Belle.” I decided it would be best to introduce myself.

“I know.” He replied. I blushed a little. “I’m Gerard.” He held out his hand, for me to shake it. I hesitated for a moment.

“I know.” I let out a small laugh as I shook his hand.

“Alright class!” Mr Mason shouted. “I’m going to set an assignment for you.” The whole classed groaned, except me, music homework was my favorite. “I want you to team up with the person sitting next to you, and write a song. It doesn’t have to be too long. It can be just a verse and a chorus.” He explained. “It can also be any genre. As long as it’s completely original, anything is good.”

I smiled. I knew this would be a fun assignment… as long as Gerard and I can agree on something.

“Guess we’re working on this together.” Gerard said.

“Yeah. Um. I mean you could come over tonight to work on it, if you want to, you don’t have to, um, I’m just going to stop talking now.” I sighed. I always managed to make myself sound like an idiot.

“That’s fine, I’d love to” he laughed. His laugh was gorgeous. “What’s your next class?” He asked.

“Math.” I frowned.

“Oh, I have English. I can walk you to your class, it’s on the way.” He offered. It’s weird, we only just met, and we know nothing about each other, but it’s like, I don’t know, it’s like we get each other.

“That would be nice.” I smiled. “I just have to stop at my locker on the way.” I told him, and he nodded.

The bell rang moments later; I picked up my stuff and hurried out of the classroom with Gerard by my side. When we got to my locker, I tried to remember which pocket I put my key in. After a couple of seconds of looking I found it in my jacket pocket. I threw my books into the locker and grabbed my stuff for math, then slammed the locker shut. I turned around, to see Gerard staring at the locker. It took a moment for me to work out that he was looking at what was written all over it.

“That’s nothing.” I sighed.

“Do you know who did it?” He asked, frowning.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter. They have done worse.” I shrugged and started walking to my next class. “Hey, you like Green Day? I asked, changing the subject, when I saw Gerard’s shirt. I How could I have missed that? I can normally spot band merch from a mile away.

“Yeah.” He looked down at his tshirt. “And you like Blink?” He asked, looking at my top.

“Yeah, I love them.”

Turns out Gerard and I liked a lot of the same bands. Turns out this music assignment will be easier than I thought.

“This is my class.” I said, when we reached the math room.

“Okay, I’ll see you later?” He asked.

“Yep. Thanks for walking me.”

“No worries!” He smiled, and rushed off to his English class. I sighed and went to take a seat at the back of the classroom. I dumped my books on my desk, and then I took out my phone and plugged my headphones in, and listened to music for five minutes until class started.


When it was finally lunchtime, I walked back to my locker, and carelessly shoved my books in. When I turned around, someone was standing insanely close to me. I let out a small scream and jumped backwards, hitting my head on the metal of my locker.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Gerard apologised, and caught me, as I was falling to the ground. “Are you okay?” He asked, sounding insanely worried.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I laughed, but I was wrong I almost fell again when Gerard let go of me; he had to catch me again.

“Maybe you should sit down. You hit your head pretty hard.”

“Good idea.” I sighed, as he helped me over to a bench, and started apologizing all over again.

“Really, it’s fine!” I was starting to get a little bit irritated.

“Okay, okay.” He frowned.

“Now that you’ve scared me to death, and almost made me pass out, are you going to tell me what you were doing at my locker?”

“Oh, right, I forgot. I just wanted to know if you’d, maybe, like to have lunch with me and a couple of friends? I mean, if you have other plans, don’t worry.”

“Trust me,” I laughed, “I have no other plans. I was going to just go outside and try to have a smoke without getting caught, lunch with you sounds much more appealing.” He laughed too, and we stood up and walked to the cafeteria.

Gerard lead me to a table in the far corner of the large room. There were already three people sitting there. One of them I recognised as Gerard’s little brother, though I didn’t know his name. The one sitting right in the corner had really curly hair. I had seen him around, he’s in the same year level as me, and the last one had a nose piercing and a lip piercing, short-ish black hair and a cute smile. I had no idea who he was, though.

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