Moving, chapter 2

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*Skip 3 days*

I sat in the car, my head pressed up against the window, tears rolling down my face, mascara stained my cheek. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay, but I couldn't stay here because I had no-one. I sat in the car next to Harry, with Zayn and Liam in the front. Louis next to Harry, and right behind was Niall. (We had a 7 seater) 

one else could handle looking after a 13 year old. I kept on telling myself that it wasn't going to be all that bad. But something inside me was telling me that it was going to be horrible. At my old school I was popular. What if I didn't fit in at this school?! What if every body hated me?! I was already getting a little bit of hate from twitter. Not much to put me down though.        We were driving for at least 2 hours before I dozed off, and when I woke up, I was lying on a sofa in the lounge. It was massive, at first I panicked thinking someone had like, kidnapped me, but then I realized that it was just they guy' house. I sat up yawning, and then decided to look around. I got to the kitchen and all the boys were sat at the breakfast bar talking, whilst Harry was cooking, it smelt delicious. Niall turned to look at me "Hey sleepy head, how was your nap?"   "It was okay, what time is it?" "Just gone 6, Harry is just making tea, babe" he replied, Harry turned around and smiled at me, I gave him the dreaded death stare. He gave me a confused and up set glance and turned back around. "What we having?" I asked to anyone who would reply "Just chicken" Harry said. I nodded my head. "Hey, do you want to see your room?" Asked Louis, "um, sure" I said. Louis took me up some big grand stairs, and showed me to my room, it was amazing, there was a beautiful bed, but my favourite aspect of this room was most definitely the window seat.   Louis looked at me, and saw that I had the biggest grin on my face. It was full of my favourite stuff, floral patters, white furniture, it even had a piano, on the opposite side of the window seat. "Harry told us that your favourite kind of pattern was floral, so we decided to decorate your room, he told us every thing you loved, and that in his old room he had a window seat, and he He stopped with the sound of me crying, he knelt down to me and hugged me close    "he told me he'd never leave me" I cried into his shoulder.     He looked at me "I know baby, I know, and he didn't"             I looked up at him, should I tell him what I thought??     Before I could stop myself, i pulled away from the embrace "YES HE DID!, he did leave me, we didn't speak for two whole years, and then when we did finally see each other it was because my parents died, every day for two years, I would cry, I would miss my big brothers hugs, I would still go sit in his room on the window seat, hoping that one day he would sit with me. But he never did, every day for two years I would die a little inside, because the thought of not seeing my brother again killed me, it broke me. He broke me." I screamed the first bit, gradually getting quieter. I broke down crying, Louis looked at me shocked, before finally giving me a hug, I looked around, and saw Harry, on the stairs looking at me, crying. SHIT. He heard everything, I didn't want him to know how I felt, but now he does.        "Lily, I am so sorry, I never knew you felt that way. I am the worse big brother ever, I am so sorry"       "Sorry, SORRY?! Is that meant to make up for everything? You didn't bother testing me at all. I tried my best to stay in touch, but it was like you forgot about me! Harry, why would you never want to see me?!? I bet you didn't know that I went to each and every one of your concerts, trying to get you to realize me, trying to get you to notice me again. I text ed you at each of your concerts, but you never replied. Harry, why???!!!" I said crying into my hands, by now he was at my side, trying to hug me,      "Lily, I didn't get any texts, I got a new phone, mine broke, I had no-ones contacts in it, not even mums and dads, I tried, Lily, I did, but I was too busy with everything to come and visit you, please, Lily please understand?" I looked at him, he looked genuine, tears rolled down his face, I caught one and wiped it away, we hugged, "I am sorry Harry"    "Lily, why are you apologizing?"     "For making you cry, and for not understanding how busy you were, I missed you Harry "       Harry looked at me "I missed you too my little Jaffa cake" I chuckled, that was his nickname for me because I once ate 3 boxes of Jaffa cakes in the matter of 2 minutes. "C'mon then baby, tea's ready" he said whilst carrying me on his hip down stairs, he put me down and looked really concerned, "what?!?" I asked, "Lily, how skinny are you, have you been eating properly?"    I looked to the floor, I wasn't eating properly because a hate message told me that I was fat, I got quite a lot of those ones, I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't fat, but I stopped eating properly any way.           "Not really" I mumbled under my breath,    "Why not" Liam piped in.      "I got hate,  saying I was fat, but it wasn't just one person, it was 13 other people, calling me fat, a hippo, obese. So i stopped eating, any time I was hungry I would eat a cereal bar. I would go on the running machine for two hours a day. It cleared mt head. Not eating, and going on the running machine."             "You have never been fat Lily, never! You cant just stop eating because of some ridiculous people being mean, can you try and finish this meal for me?"asked Harry, I nodded.          Everyone else had finished, but I wasn't even half way through yet. None of them left the table, they still sat there talking to me. After what felt like two hours, I finally finished my tea, it was really yummy, but I felt so sick. I started to gag    "Lily? are you okay babe?" asked Zayn, I nodded, "You've gone really pale sweety" added Niall, I ran to the kitchen sink and puked at least 4 times, Harry jumped up and ran over to me, picking me up and sitting me down on his knee on a chair, Liam ran and got me a bottle of water from the fridge. "Sorry guys" I said, they all looked at me "Why are you sorry sweety?" Louis asked me, "for being sick", They all chuckled a bit, when Harry then added, "Don't be sorry sweety, at least you tried to eat your dinner, you did good, babe, shall we go to bed?" He looked at me, I nodded my head, he carried me bridal style up to my room, he placed me in my bed, and tucked me in.      Maybe it was a good idea to tell them how I felt, because now i fell like a weight has just been lifted off my shoulder, I felt relaxed and at ease. Maybe I can be happy again. MAYBE.  

There is a picture on the side of Lily's new room, focusing on the window seat. I know you cant see the piano, but there is one in there. Just not in the picture. if you get me???


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