And then, of course, there was Steve.

Things were different, ever since that kiss. They were closer, spent more time together, found excuses to do things as a pair. And, since they lived together and always saw one another, they only grew more intimate. They were often found sitting quietly together - anyone might have thought they were silent, though really, they talked in their minds, where only they could hear what the other said. There was something dear about communicating in this manner, when no one else had any clue what they might be discussing.

There'd also been numerous dates: quiet cafes, movie marathons, and Steve even took her out dancing numerous times. Whenever they ddi, Delaney dressed as though she was from the 1940s herself. That never failed to make Steve smile, which was more often than not followed by a kiss.

"This reminds me of the few dances Bucky made me attend," he said once, "Though I never danced back then. Nor did many girls seem interested in me as a partner, either, since I always stepped on their feet."

Bucky. The Winter Soldier. Steve's best friend. 

Steve had been searching for him since the events of Washington. He was even more elusive than Rumlow - not that that was hard. Though, Delaney knew Steve was worried about his friend. Ever since her return, Delaney had resolved to assist him in his investigation as much as possible.

Of course, they hadn't escaped the mercy of the others, and were subject to numerous jokes. Delaney had threatened to use her powers if it continued, but it was an empty threat. The others still took the drug that nullified her powers, as per her request. Even by accident, the minds of her team were those she least wanted to alter, even momentarily. It made her feel better knowing she couldn't touch them and though they didn't mention anything, she was sure the others were relieved as well.

Over the past few months, the Avengers had all established their own bonds, and now they were more than a team. It was like they were family. They understood each other and looked out for each other constantly, no questions asked.

So when one of them was down, it was instantly noticed, and acted upon.

They weren't a complete team if someone was broken.


Delaney knew the incident in Wakanda was hurting Wanda to the core. It was hurting all of them - their transport had been unusually quiet for the journey back. Even Steve and Delaney had barely touched each other's minds, apart to confirm how the other was. Guilt gnawed at Delaney's heart and she felt cold. She curled into herself for warmth. Whenever her thoughts strayed to the horror of the screams, debris, and dead civilians, she wanted to throw up.

Battles got easier. Dealing with the aftermath on civilians never did.

But out of all of them, Wanda had been the most reserved. Her eyes were as lifeless as outer space, her face as white as chalk, with a tinge of grey. She'd wrapped her arms around her knees and sat apart from the rest, clearly not wanting to be disturbed.

When they arrived back at the compound, Wanda was the first to exit, walking with fierce, long strides. Delaney watched her leave, stomach churning.

"I need to check on her," she muttered to Steve. "She needs a friend."

Steve nodded and squeezed her hand. "That would probably be best."

Delaney nodded and walked to Wanda's room. She barely paused to acknowledge the others, though she noted how grim they were. No surprise there. She was solemn herself.

Wanda's door was shut. Delaney hesitated before knocking.

"Wanda? It's Lane. Can I come in?"

A pause. Delaney leaned in closer to the door. She thought she heard the telltale sign of a muffled sob.

Coming Down ➢ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now