You Never Know

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 You will never fully understand a person unless you fill his shoes. A frail man is going by everyone on the street, his legs are missing, face is scarred, body is mangled. People look at him and think, he isn’t rich and can’t afford expensive stuff, but they don’t know that he fought in World War II for their freedom. An overweight girl walks in front of “preps” they mock her and laugh at her weight, when they don’t know she has a glandular problem. No one in this world is perfect and many people don’t seem to understand what other people go through. Everyone has enough problems in their lives and people make them worse. The people who make fun of others seems to think that they are perfect and they’re really not. This is a point I would love to address in this paper. 

There are people in this world that are dealing with pain everyday and most people do not seem to understand that. They like to point out flaws in others just to make them feel better, well, I am here to tell you that stuff like this is not right. I am a person who is completely different from other people and I should be treated like a human being not someone who is not a part of this world. I am sixteen and I have have a lot of things happen to me. Teens these days think that the world revolves around them, but if they would open up their eyes, they would see that no one is different from the other. The Bible even states that everyone has a voice and no one is better then the other, that we are all equal in this world. A woman is not lower then a man, a black person is not different from a white person, a homosexual is not different from a heterosexual person. We all walk the same, we all talk the same, we all have hearts, brains, and legs. Not everyone has a “perfect” life, this is not a perfect a world, but people do NOT understand what others have to go through to get through life. 

There are many kids who are committing suicide because people treat them with no respect. They go through their school career with people always “messing” around with them by saying things that pertain to their looks or their personality. Most teens or even adults can only take so much until they crack under the pressure that everyone is putting on them. A lot of the people who are in prison for crimes against “humanity” have had a really hard life. Their parents might of separated while they were young, they could have been brought up in a life where one or both parents sexually molest them, the thing is, not all of us have a “perfect” life. 

You see someone walking down the street and they have scars all over their body, their face is not in good shape, they are walking with a limp, they just got down with a big fight. Most people would look at that person as being someone of a terrible nature, well, that might be the case in some things, but this person was teasing by their weight, size, sexual orientation, their parents split, their boyfriend or girlfriend passed away, people messing with them for every little thing that is “wrong” with them. This person had reached his or her limit and they finally burst out in violence. They tried to stop everything by talking to others, telling them to “please stop” but then again, it doesn’t work. It usually takes all that frustration to finally blow up in someone’s face. Many people react this way when they have had enough and couldn’t handle it anymore. 

People range from their skin color, weight, sexual orientation, religion, height, social class, but in this imperfect world we all need to work together and try and understand what each other has to say, even though you may not agree with them, its nice to show at least you care. Next time you see a person walking down the street who is completely different then them, do not make fun of them, they might have enough on their shoulders to be made fun of. None of us are perfect and this is not a perfect world, so we all need to treat each with respect and remember you don’t know what someone else is going through so show them respect. Treat them how you would want to be treated and you shall be rewarded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2012 ⏰

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