Chapter two

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Won't be as long as the last one :(
but has a little more drama
"Well?" Harry asks when I get back from the Slytherin common room.
"I have bad news and good news, you can pick which one you want first."
"How about the bad news?"
"Ok Ron you asked for it, the bad news is that they are planning to get revenge on Harry bu-"
" What's the good news?"
" I was getting there sis! As I was saying, Draco is not a part of the plan."
"We all know that is a lie."
"Ron you saw me brew the Honesty potion."
"No I asked him for the ingredients and  he said I could so technically I didn't seal from him."
"Oh,ok." Hermione then went up to the dorm room to get her books.
"Hey we need to get to Care for Magical Creatures with professor Charlie, Ron how does it feel to have your older brother as an professor here at Hogwarts?"
"Just fine Mavis and please stop popping out it nowhere, you are truly scary when you do that."
"Ron we all know that's a lie."
"You are right Megan, I'm bloody terrified!"
"You are fine, but I did over hear Charlie and Hagrid mention that we haven't studied Arachne yet."
"Um what are arachne?"
"Oh spiders."
"Bloody hell!"
"Calm down Ron, it was a joke."
"That was not funny Megan."
"You are right that was not funny it was hilarious. Nice job Granger!"
"George you are on her side?"
"Um...yah I helped her come up with the idea."
"Hey baby we should go before your sister comes back down."
"K lets go." Me and Harry leave the Common room to walk hand-in-hand to class all the professors know that me and Harry are dating. All except one.
>>>time skip>>>
I get to the great hall and see Pansy trying to kiss Harry, but he is refusing. I walk up to her, slap her and say, "Don't try to kiss my boyfriend!" Without knowing Hermione was right behind Harry when I said that.
"Oh yah me and Harry have been dating for 8 years tomorrow."
"Why haven't you told me?"
"Because then you would have freaked out and tell me to break up with him for the threat of me getting hurt!"
"True. Anyway Harry hurt her and I'll hurt you!"
"Ok!" Pansy was here for all of this.
"DON'T CALL HER THAT!" We were all shocked at Draco defending me.
>>>time skip>>>
"So you never really dated Draco?"
"So this entire time you've been dating Harry?"
"Yes! We've been over this!"
"Ok! One more question. Is this why both of you always seam to light up when the other enters the room and Megan kept writing letters to Harry past summers?"
"Yes." Harry nods in agreement while I answered all of my sisters questions, careful not to do anything to upset her. Mavis, Luna, Mongall, Ron, Neville and Hagrid burst though the door yelling, " Don't kill Harry!" They then noticed that Hermione was chill and stoped.

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