A Month Later

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5:30am-November 5th 2016
I woke up to a really bad headache and nausea. Since I wasn't totally awake yet, I decided to just try and lie down and wait till the feeling passed. It didn't and I felt sick to my stomach. I quickly lifted up the lid to the toilet, and threw up everything in my stomach.

This continued for about ten minutes. After, being too nauseous to go anywhere, I dug my phone out of my drawer and called Gabbie.

"Liza? It's not even six am, what's up?" She asked groggily. 

"I don't feel well and I think I have the flu. Can you bring some Advil or something?. I don't have any."

"Ya sure I'll be there in 10. Try to rest till I get there." She said slipping on some shoes.

I thanked her and hung up the phone. My head started to spin and before I knew it my eyes were closing. I tried my best to keep them open but I was losing the competition. And then they closed and I passed out.

Minutes later, Gabbie arrived. "Liza? I'm here" she called letting herself in.

"Liza?" She called again not hearing a response. Gabbie then noticed the bathroom light on and went to go see.

She gasped at the sight before her. Liza was passed out on the ground. "Liza, wake up!" She shouted. Seeing that she was unconscious, Gabbie called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My name is Gabrielle Hanna, and I'm at my friend Liza Koshy's apartment. She called me saying she was not feeling well. I just got here and she's unconscious." She gave the address and shortly after hanging up, the paramedics arrived.

They loaded Liza in the ambulance and closed the doors. "Does she have any family nearby?" One of the paramedics asked Gabbie. "Yes, David her boyfriend. I'll call him now"

She got in her car behind the ambulance and pressed call. Luckily David answered on the second ring. "Hey Gabbie what's up?"

"It's Liza. She's going to the hospital. She said she didn't feel well and then I found her passed out on the bathroom floor."

"Oh. I'm on my way, I'll be there soon"

I opened my eyes again to find myself looking up at a metal roof. I had an oxygen mask on and paramedics were around me. Starting to panic, I tried to scream. "Shh Ms. Koshy you're okay. We are getting you to the hospital." I looked around realizing that it was still dark out. The rest of the ride was silent, except for the constant steady beep of the monitor.

When we got to the hospital, David was at the front desk. "David!" I cried out. Hearing his name, he whipped around and rushed to my side. Taking my hand he kissed it and wiped my tears. "How you doing baby?" He asked tears in his eyes.

"Not good. Still feeling really bad."  I sighed and looked in his eyes. "Stay with me?"

"I'm not leaving your side. I promise." He replied, walking along side me as they wheeled my gurney to a private room.

Shortly after I got there, the doctor came by. I had already thrown up again twice. "Liza Koshy?" She asked.

I nodded and squeezed David's hand. "Okay, Ms.Koshy, you came in temporarily unconscious and had told your friend that you were sick. How long have you felt ill like this?"

"Just this morning it started to get severe. But I was a little nauseous the past couple of days." I answered lying back.

"Alright, before we run some tests can you tell me a little bit about yourself?"

"I'm a youtuber and so is my boyfriend David. I do videos every Wednesday and he vlogs a couple days a week sometimes when we are together. It's usually shopping or something like that."

"Good, a couple more questions. This first one may be weird but I need an honest answer. Are you and David sexually active?"

My cheeks went red. Clearing my throat, I nodded. "Okay thank you. That will be all for now. I'll be back shortly with some tests." She finished and closed the curtain on the way out. When we were finally alone, I scooted over SO David could come sit on the bed with me.

"I love you Liza. No matter what."

I kissed him on the lips and then looked around for my purse. "Here" he said handing it to me.

I got out my camera. "Hey guys, it's your girl Liza. Except it's not Wednesday. It's Thursday . It's currently 5:45 am and I've been in the hospital for around half an hour. Davids here too. We will update you guys soon."

I turned the camera off and laid back against him for a while. Finally I ended up falling asleep.

Davids pov:
Liza looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, she was gorgeous. I carefully moved her dark brown curls out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. While she was sleeping, Gabbie came by.

"I brought some food just in case she wanted to eat." Gabbie said. "How is she?"

"Not very good. She didn't feel great before she went to sleep so that's why I think napping will make her feel a little better." I told her.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Nothing yet, just asked questions and left to go get some tests. He should be back any minute."

As if on que, a different doctor came by as well as a nurse. "Hi I'm Dr.Gershire and this is Nurse Jenna. Can you please wake her up so we can start our tests?"

End of Davids pov.

David woke me up which was not hard at all because when I don't feel well, I'm a light sleeper. "Babe they are going to do some tests okay?"

I nodded and sat up a little. The nurse came over and got out a needle. Immediately I turned away and closed my eyes.

"I hate needles." I said. "It won't hurt a lot. It should only hurt for about five seconds." The nurse explained.

David took my hand and with his free hand, he held me and kissed me. "I got you. I'll be here the whole time". Feeling a little better, I stuck my arm out. Soon enough the tears streamed down my face. Needles for me have always hurt more then normal people.

"Okay all finished." The doctor declared after ten straight minutes. I relaxed and looked over at the doctor. "We will be back shortly with results."

Sure enough she retuned around 6:15am. "We have your results. Here's what we found...."
Cliffhanger!!! I finally updated again. Thanks for all the super nice comments and votes.

The next chapter is going to be good!!
Comment and vote!! Love you guys


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