Colt the annoying friend

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Hi I'm back and here's the first fucking rant and it's about me friend online and in real life her thing is fireninja20

Ok my friend did some shit that got me fucking pissed even tho I said she could but I didn't fucking would, she fucking did a smut about me and me girlfriend and if you don't know what a smut is go and search it up cause I'm a lazy ass bitch I don't feel like typing that shit out anyways she did that one shot and oh my fucking god was I pissed when she posted it, it's weird and shitty and cringe worthy no offence Colt but it's even weirder cause we both be girls so it's basically lesbian sex and I'm just a fucking a 13 year old who's fucking obsessed with dank memes cause I'm that fucking lane 'mate. This is what I'm fucking complaining about and either way even if I could have sex at this age who would fuck an ugly ass bitch like me, cause seriously I'm ugly as fuck I still don't know why I have a girlfriend or even friends. I'm still made at Colt for doing that shit but fuck it 'mate it's already out there I can't do anything about it anymore. Ok I'm getting tired and carried away so adios I'm gonna stop ranting about this shit, I'll see you guys in my next fucking rant cause I get pissed off easily so there is gonna be more rants in the future,

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