My heart was racing the whole time I was being dragged farther and farther into the house. Though, I didn’t panic, I knew who it was. My special eyesight gave me access to know where in the house we were, and I noticed the living room passing by. We turned a corner and soon, a dim light in the middle of the kitchen illuminated the room and I could see things more clearly. The arms that were around me slowly slipped off and I took a step back.

Dylan smiled down at me, “Hey, what are you doing out in the rain at three in the morning?” He asked. My face scrunched up as I was reminded of the horrible, horrible dream I had.

I scratched my head before replying, “I had another dream.” Dylan frowned. I told him all my horribly sad, scary, and happy filled dreams of people I didn’t even know. I started having them a few months ago, and each day, they keep get worse.

Dylan wrapped an arm across his body and the other on his face in a thinking pose as he stared at me. Then he snapped his fingers together and walked around me. He got out his tea kettle and held it under the sink. He then placed it on the stove and turned it on high.

I watched him closely as he did the all too familiar gesture. Face filled with concentration, his muscles flexing as he moved. The way his wet t-shirt clung to his stomach made my heart race. He was a very attractive man.

Suddenly, a realization hit me. “Hey, Dylan?” I asked him. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow. “How come you have electricity, but I don’t?” I asked. The last time I checked, my house had no electricity because of the storm, but how did Dylan’s.

He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. My house is just cool like that.” I rolled my eyes. He was a cocky fellow. Dylan must have snapped out of it, because the next thing he said was, “Oh, where are my manners? Can I get you some different clothes? You’re soaking wet.”

 “That would be lovely,” I said, exaggerating my words. He grinned and disappeared out of the room. In a few moments, he came back with a bundle of clothes in his arms, and wearing pajamas that hung off his hips, and no shirt. It took all my might to keep a straight face, and not looking at his abs. I’ve seen him shirtless before, but every time I see them, it’s like looking at rocks. Hard, tanned, and toned... rocks.

Dylan handed me the pile of clothes and told me to go change before we talk. I easily found my way to the bathroom and turned the light switch on. I quickly changed and chunked my wet clothes into the laundry basket. Before I left the room, I looked at myself in the mirror.

My wet auburn hair looked black as it clung all around my face. My eyes looked sleepy and my thick lips felt like they were getting chapped. I opened the drawer looking for some chap-stick, but then a noise startled me. It sounded like someone scratching a blackboard with long sharp nails.

The sound was getting louder and stronger and my head started to hurt. I put my hand on the back of my neck trying to let out a scream, but it didn’t help the pain. Unfamiliar images began skipping through my mind until suddenly, I was somewhere else. Instead of being in a bathroom, I was in a room. A small room with temperatures so cold, I couldn’t even feel my body. I was numb, so numb. I tried looking around, but my neck was stiff from the cold and it hurt too much to move it. There were ice crystals on the walls, it was that cold.

A girl around my age came in through the door, a smirk on her face. She had red hair that was almost fire like, blowing in the cold atmosphere. I yearned for a fire that heated and warmed my frozen body. She was talking, but all I could make out was brother, my brother. A brother I had no idea about, but what did she want with him?

The television turned on, showing a house that I didn’t recognize and a timer. She wanted me to tell her something before the timer went down. She asked me many times what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t say anything. My mouth wouldn’t open. It was like they were glued together. Then, everything started to pass by in a blur. The timer ran down and I watched helplessly while I watched the house blow into many pieces.

I wanted to cry, and scream many threats at her, but I still couldn’t talk, or move. My heart raced inside my chest, and then just like I was sucked inside the memory, I was pushed back out of it.

My eyes began to focus on my surroundings and noticed I was on the floor, Dylan leaning over me. His face was in a confused, worried expression, “What the hell Fay? What happened?” He demanded. I shook my head and raced up quickly, wrapping my arms around his naked back.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer as I sobbed in his chest. No words being said. He whispered calming words in my ear while I felt the sudden urge to find this woman and rip her head off. I had a brother, he was apparently my only family I had left, and now that I know I don’t have any family, I felt completely and utterly hopeless. 

I thought, maybe if I had a family that would miss me and come looking for me, but it’s been three years and not even as a little as a newspaper article of my disappearance has been issued. I felt so stupid now for not even thinking of not having a family that actually loved me or would come find me. Though, with this information I gained, I still thought of the Strikers as my family. They loved me just as much as a normal family would love their own child.

After a while, when I calmed down, I was able to talk. I sat on one of Dylan’s soft plush couches sipping nice, hot tea while being wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. I then told Dylan of my dream I had, and then the memory of my past. It was hard explaining to him these things. I know he felt sympathy for me, but other than that, he didn’t or couldn’t understand what I was really feeling.

Dylan sat in front of me on the big cushioned foot rest as he processed what I told him. His elbows on his thighs and his hands bunched up in fist, face scrunched up in concentration. While he was thinking, I examined his facial features. He had blonde hair with bangs that swooshed up. His eyes a grayish color and his nose curved up just a bit. I tried hard not to stare at his face while he concentrated, but it was so hard not to.

I waited patiently while he was still thinking of something to tell me. Once he snapped out of it, he looked at me and smiled, “I know I’ve said almost everything possible to help calm you down, so I don’t want to repeat myself.” Dylan started. “Though, I might know something that will keep your mind off it,” He leaned forward taking my hand. “Go on a date with me.”

My heart began racing inside my chest. I have known Dylan for three years now; I didn’t know he liked me that way, though. Sure, he constantly flirted with me, but still, he’s one of those guys who would flirt with anyone and anything.

 "Umm, I don’t know what to say to that,” I said nervously. Dylan smiled and sat next to me still holding my hand.

He lent his head down close to my ear and whispered, “Say yes.” My heart hammered in my chest as I 

nodded my head slowly, unsurely at first, then a little faster. I looked up at him beside me and smiled.

  “When and where?” I asked. He thought about it and grinned to himself. He then began to slowly lower his back onto the couch, wrapping his arms around me, dragging me down with him. It was just the two of us in the dark, while the lightning outside lit up the house. I laid on Dylan’s body, my head on his chest. The soft rhythm of Dylan’s heartbeat and breathing almost made me drift off into a slumber, but then Dylan spoke.

  “Tomorrow I’ll pick you up at six. Is that okay?” Dylan asked quietly. With the rain steadily pouring from the heavens on the house and the soft hum of Dylan’s heartbeat, I was nearly asleep, but I nodded my head to agree. He kissed the top of my head whispering a goodnight, and pretty soon, I was asleep and dreaming... 

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