Why not

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" Why not?" I ask myself. It has been 3 months since I have last saw him. I go to his house and ask him out. He said " No thank you I like just being your friend." I ran away crying. I hated him.  I was over Matt! Finally I came to my best friend Viola about it. She was having a great old time herself. I found this kid named Jaden who was in my class. He asked me out and I said yes! We went out on a couple of dates. We had our first kiss. Matt you could tell was jealous. He could never keep a girlfriend for even a week. When he saw me and Jaden kiss you could see the anger in his eyes. He hates me not liking him anymore. He asked me to hang out so we could play basket ball. I always said no because Jaden was the right boy for me. Find out what happens next in I hate you but I love you at the same time

I hate you, but I love you at the same time Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя