Statues of the Sands

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The TARDIS is flying through space


The Doctor and Henry are walking around the console pressing buttons and exchanging conversation across the console

Henry: I'm bored.... I said... I'm bored. Oh, come on, Doctor! We need a break away from all of this. We've been running down corridors nonstop for the past week! And half the time, we only just get out of the situation alive - don't make me mention what happened on Cufa-Filas yesterday. We could've died. Twice! All we need is a small rest!

The Doctor pokes his head from around the console

Doctor: I don't!

Henry sighs

Doctor: Fine... If it'll make you feel better. Where d'you want to go?
Henry: Somewhere nice and warm with a beach and stuff. You know... The usual type of place you go to rest.

The Doctor flails his arms, flicking levers and pressing buttons frantically

Doctor: Right. Nice, check, warm, check, beach, check, stuff... We'll find that out for ourselves won't we? Hold on!

The TARDIS dematerialises then lands on the beach. Henry runs to the doors

Doctor: Whoa, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Where are you going?
Henry: Out there.
Doctor: Wait! Environment checks!
Henry: Oh of course... Environment checks...

The Doctor looks at the scanner before checking the radiation meter

Doctor: All good it seems. Right. Let's go then!

The Doctor grabs his green jacket and the two head outside to the beach. The camera turns slowly towards the monitor on the wall which is blinking. The screen turns off for a second and when the picture returns, a weeping angel is stood there, now a shade of yellow rather than grey due to the sand. Cue the titles

(Insert Doctor Actor Name Here)
(Insert Henry Actor Name Here)
(Insert Rachel Actress Name Here)
by Layton Mathieson

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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