Something Else (Young MA)

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MA spotted you as you walked through the aisles in the library . She had came here to clear her mind and for some silence. You were pretty and that was putting it mildly.

You were maybe 5'2" and wore ripped black jeans and a red hoodie crop top. Your curly hair fell down to maybe mid back and it was huge. But what caught MA's attention was your eyes.

They were bright hazel eyes and they were behind circle glasses frames. You had a little bit of freckles on your caramel skin.

MA swallowed as she made her way over to you.


You turned and looked up. You gave a small smile.


"I'm MA. You?"

"Alexandria Time."

Your voice was soft yet your eyes held a twinkle to them.

"Um...would you like to get some coffee or tea? Food?"

You nodded.

"Let me just get this book."

You walked downstairs, MA walking with you as you paid for the book and slipped it into your book bag.

"I'll take you up on the offer of food."

"Is shake shack good?"


You two walked out and MA started talking to you. She found out you were a college senior even though you were only 19. You were getting a bachelor in both Forensic Chemistry and Criminal Justice.

"So do you know who I am?"

"Young MA and can I be honest with you?"

"Yeah. Hit me."

"If I hear 'ooouuu' one more time i may kill someone. And I'll probably get away with it."

MA laughed. She also found you were sarcastic and really funny.

"Here we are. What do you want?"

"Fries and a double cheeseburger."

MA ordered and paid- even though you protested- and you two sat down near the window towards the back to eat.

"I'm performing tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?"

"Are you performing 'ooouuu'?"


You sighed but nodded.

"Sure. Where is it?"

"How about I pick you up?"

You raised an eyebrow and she blushed.

"Are you asking me out MA?"


You chuckled.

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