Beast inside of Me

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Harry Pov

I wasn't always so violent , or evil or messed up in the head, yet back then i didn't know who I really was ..... shit I didn't care I love the way I am it makes me feel in control it makes me feel powerful with no problems or what so ever.

"Hey are you sure about this I mean it's like the 8th drink you've had"the waiter on the otherside of me cleaning the glass cups said worried that someone might catch him selling drinks to a minor.

"I pay you to serve me my drink not questioned me while I drink it"I drink it and then harshly place in on the table. ..

I get up feeling fuzzy and my vision was blurry and I felt a slight urge to feel a pleasure, I take in a deep breath as I exit the bar I wasn't old enough to drink but I didn't care and apparently the bart tender either. .

As I'm walking down the streets my urge to feel a certain pleasure gets I'm walking I hear a heart beat ...Mmm a sweet ...innocent ...heart beat I smile because I knew I was about to be satisfied

Victoria Pov

"I'm sorry but the number you just dial is out of service"the operator said ..

ugh typical of my mother changes number everytime she is on her business trips and she doesn't even bother to let me know, every time she is home she is either passed out from her hung overs or simply just not home.

As I'm standing out of the dance class studio in the cold I feel a drop of water gently fall on my head I look up and great it was going to rain I tried calling my brother Jonathan but he didn't answer as well ...

okay now I'm kinda worried .I'm all alone in the cold dark and it's raining!

"ugh please answer ! ....hhuu" I gasp and turn around as I hear weirder noises .

Okay now I'm panic ... and now its started to pour ...the sound of the rain drops hitting the ground kinda freak me out more .. shit ! something pass by me but I couldn't see

"who's there ?"I breathe heavily" I'm calling the co-ahhhhh !!"something strong tackled me to ground.

It was really heavy.

"ahhh ! help !! ahh"my heart pumping fast as my screaming gets louder.

I move around hopefully to escape from whatever was holding me down.. by the force I could tell that it was man or something .. he truned me around and gripped my thighs harshly he was trying to unbuckle my pants.


"no no NO !!! stop !" ... instead of screaming I started to Cry begging him to stop because he was hurtting me he ripped my shirt open and he also managed to take off my pants ... god the terror I was in

"ahhhhh!! "I scream and cry as I felt a strong burning sensation in my whom

"ahhhuuuhh stop"I was absolutely in pain he was hurting me but he wouldn't stop he kept and kept on going he thrust himself and very harshly!

God I can't breathe.

AHHH-"he covered my mouth letting no sound escape from my lips.. I felt hopeless all I wanted was to die at that point and not feel this pain ...slowly then I feel my eyelids shut....

anonymous Pov

"William over here "I gasped at what was in front of me laying on the floor ... it was young girl looked about 13 or 14 she was bleeding with Bruces on her thighs and waist and I was able to see that because it seemed that her clothes were ripped apart"oh god Marry "my husband said I sniffed and said"ugh told you I herd screaming oh my god poor girl quickly get her in the car so we can take her to the hospital"

Harry Pov

shit man ! how could I have done something like this.

No it never happened, No....

*4 years later*

Victoria Pov

"no Jonathan mother is fine I'm fine ..yes she is home with me so there's no point for you to come all the way here we're fine I promise"I say to my older brother on the phone"bye , love you"as I hang up I dial my mom's number"hey mom where are you ?! I thought you were coming home today .. yes I home but Jonathan doesn't really think you're home ... wait no ugh"she hungs up due to the fact that she's on her way to an "emergency business party"

I sigh and sit on the couch... after my accident my mother sticked around me way more but now she's back to her old self

I hear a knock at the door ...I walk towards it not sure if I should open or not I stand there thinking "open it its me " my heart jumps crap it's Jonathan big brother"heyy !!!"I say as I open the door and hug him"where's mom vicky ?"he says pushing me softly"uuhh mom ?"I say in a slow low voice"well she-"I was cut off"hah that drunk bitch isn't here is she?"he says in a disappointing tone as he enters the house

"Jonathan ! don't call her like that she's working and-"..."and nothing vicky know that social worker called me saying that she's on her way because Camila isn't answering the phone "I could tell he was pist by the way he jesters his hands on his hips "wait what ? ugh no !" I say as sit on the couch and cover my face ...

ugh crap ...when they found me they had to call the cops and eventually that led to child services ...the social worker said that if she found me alone one more time then she will make sure I'm placed in a "safer home"where my needs will be attended but I don't want that and my brother either

"vicky I'm-"he was interrupted by the.knocking door ...oh great I bet I know who it is as I walked over and open the door I confirmed my suspicions

"hello is Camila, you're mother home"it was my social worker

"umm"I didn't know what say shit man ..

"Victoria I gave you and you're mother too many chances and I'm sorry but now I have to call-"....

"don't worry Victoria will no longer live with a unreasonable person...because she will be living with me "Jonathan gives me a direct stare

"Don't worry I'm her older brother Jonathan Rodriguez nice to meet you , I live about an hour away from here in Westburg ..umm here is my number so we can stay in contact"

Honestly I didn't want to go and live with him the town he lived in was where I was raped and I didn't want to go back there it will just bring me back pain

"well okay Victoria this is the last chance and I mean it as to you young man you have two months to prove that Victoria Will be better off with you then I think my work here is done I'll call to schedule a day so I can visit Victoria's new home ...Good bye and thank you"

Jonathan opens the door for as she exits out

"I'm not movong over ther ...AND you know perfectly why "I tell him off

"Well it's either my home or some strangers home and I know you don't want so Victoria get ready because we're leaving to Westburg"I just stare angrily at him

Harry Pov

" I said no damit "my brother said as he refuses to get help from to put him back on his wheelchair

"Niall please just let-"...

"no ! ...I fell of by myself so let me get my self back in the chair ... god everyone always acts as if I'm a crippled helpless guy " he says as he struggles to get himself in the wheelchair

" I can't walk but that doesn't mean I'm completely helpless"he finally gets himself in his wheelchair

"no umm yeah you're right I'm-I'm sorry "I sigh and leave him alone ...

I felt bad for Niall his accident hasn't been easy on him ...specially since i can turn but .....he can't turn into what he really is ..... a Beast

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