Coffee Shop

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The eyes from tall and short men scanned Sophie and Honey as they entered the coffee shop. The smell of freshly made coffee filled their lungs and made Sophie smile.

"Evening Miss Hatter," a tall man greeted them. His professionally made trench coat said he was rich and his top hat was one that Sophie had made a few weeks prior.

"George, it's good to see you!"

"You as well Miss Hatter," he glanced to Sophie then back at Honey. "Where are your daughters?"

"Oh, I made them finish the last hat orders so I could bring Sophie along."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Sophie."

"Please," Sophie hated it when they added miss before her name."Just call me Sophie."

"Alright, well, I've got to run, but it was nice meeting you Sophie," he put on his top hat. "And your hair looks fantastic with your yellow jacket."

"Thank you!" She said exuberantly. Lettie always told Sophie that her hair was the color of dirt. At least now, she knew it didn't.

"Right, now, where would you like to sit?"

Sophie looked around and saw a table with two chairs. "There," Sophie followed Honey to the table and they sat down.

"Excuse me," Honey caught a waitresses attention. "I would like a chocolate cream latte."

"Right away ma'am," the waitress walked away with her black heels clacking against the marble floor.

"So, is there anyone special in your life?"

"Mom, you know there is no one. I'm not interested in anyone, and I never will be."

"Sophie! You should be looking for someone, you are the eldest and your sisters look up to you."

"They don't look up to me. They follow you every day. They are spoiled."

"Alright, I admit, they are a little spoiled," Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe a lot."

"Why did you want to take me here?"

"To spend time with you."

Sophie believed that wasn't all Honey was doing. Maybe she was trying to set Sophie up with someone. Certainly not George, he liked her sisters.

"Listen Sophie, I know we haven't spent time together, but it is getting late and I don't know how much longer I can stay," the waitress returned with Honeys latte.

"One chocolate cream latte. And for you?"

"Oh, nothing. Thank you," the waitress nodded and walked away.

"I really do have to go, are you okay walking back to the hat shop?"

"I'll be fine, go."

Honey smiled and stood up with her latte in her right hand. "Bye now Sophie," Sophie waved goodbye and Honey left.

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