Tsurugi Kyousuke x Princess! Reader (Royal Love) Part 3

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The servant who was a case with the crown in it as soon (y/n) was reach the last stair.the barrier around the crown slowly vanished then her father as the king of the kingdom took it into his palm.The another servant give (y/n) two items for coronation day as she hold it in each of her hands.

"(Y/n) Mirabelle as the Princess of this Kingdom,will you leads all the people in Mirabelle to a brighter future?" (Y/n)'s father said "I will" (Y/n) answered.

He then place the golden crown on top of (y/n)'s head.

"I present you (Y/n) Mirabelle,The New Queen of Mirabelle" Her Father stated as the crowed cheered loudly "All hail the Queen!" They shouted in excitement as they soon to celebrate the new born Queen of Mirabelle

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I present you (Y/n) Mirabelle,The New Queen of Mirabelle" Her Father stated as the crowed cheered loudly "All hail the Queen!" They shouted in excitement as they soon to celebrate the new born Queen of Mirabelle.

~Skip time~At the Meeting place~

(Y/n) stood right in front of the huge tree and she faced the tree until she heard footsteps and she knew it was Tsurugi Kyousuke.

She turned around as the wind gently blowing her haired and her (E/c) eyes was sparkling like diamond making her looked like an Angel from heaven or something.it was enough to make Tsurugi blushed but luckily for him it was dark.

"I'm glad that you came Kyousuke-kun" (Y/n) said calmly.This shock Tsurugi a bit since it was the first time she uses his first name.

"Hey...Do you want to know what this tree is call?" (y/n) asked as Tsurugi slightly shaked his face as 'no'.

"This tree is call 'The Tree of Love and Miracle' this tree was named by the first queen when she met her true love and she say it was like a miracle when she falling in love" (Y/n) explained as she slowly turned around to faced him.

"Um....Kyousuke-kun.....i w-wanted to t-tell you....i thin-wait no i k-know that I'm in l-love w-with y-you but i-i keep it to m-myself because.....i c-couldn't stand to l-lose y-you.....and i-i d-d-do n-not want to c-change a-anything in y-you,I l-love y-you the way y-you are" (Y/n) was stuttering on her words as she was blushing madly.

"It's okay if you don't feels th-" (y/n) was interrupted by a pair of warm lips on hers.

Tsurugi broke the kisses then give her a small smiled and said four words "I love you too".

After programing on what just happened to her,(Y/n) blushed really hard and you could see the smoke coming from on top of her head.

Her Crush just kissed her! she couldn't believe it! she was screaming inside.She was so shocked that she didn't even moved from where she stood.

Tsurugi sighed and closing the spade between them.He kissed her on the lips once again but this time (y/n) kissed back as she wrapped her arms around his neck while his arms wrapped around her waist bring her closer to himself.

He licked her lower lips asking for entrance,this making (y/n) shock a bit but she slowly parted her lips as he quickly slid his tongue in her mouth caressing her mouth and tongue.

They were about to broke the kissed until

Followed by a bright light coming from the bushes then they heard shouting "THEY DID IT!!!!" As the two of them turned around and saw all of their friends shouting,blushed and some were fangirly over the two of them.

"Minna! what are all of you doing here!" (y/n) scolded them as she was red as a tomato until she saw her Dad giving her a thumb up and yelled "That's my girl!" and her Mom crying with tears of joy as she shouted "My Baby girl is finally grew up!"

"Mom!" (Y/n) shouted in embrassed,she couldn't just believe that all of her friends and her parents were watching the whole time between her and her crush kissed each other! can this day gets any worst!


Reina/Rei:Finally! Part 3 is finish! this is my first time making a kissing scene before! now for the next!

Rinne:You seem excited about it.

Reina/Rei:Well....because there is ideal of mine pop up in some days ago before i even i published this book.

Tsurugi:What is about?

Reina/Rei:It's about a girl (a.k.a Reader-chan) who lost her family in such a young age.she thought that she will never happiness again until she met 'him',OKAY! I STOP NOW!! I DON'T WANT TO A SPOILER!!!

Tenma:So?....who is this 'Him' person?

Reina/Rei:I will not tell who he is until the one shot is finish.For those who is reading this,i will started the requests from those who requested it until the one shot is finally.sorry if you don't mind but i really wanted to make the next one shot for a long time now but after i finish the one shot i will started working on the requests!

Everyone:Sayonara Minna!

Love is a beautiful feeling (Inazuma eleven/Go/CS/Galaxy x Readers/OCs one shot)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ