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"How much longer do we have to wait?" Talwyn asked the police officer. "You all have kept him here for over 2 weeks now, and you guys have enough information to know its not him!"

"Ma'am, we don't have any information on this case! So I suggest you get stay out of this because we are doing all that we can!"

"Excuse me? That is my friend in there, he needs as much help as he can get right now!" Tal grabbed the officer by the front of the shirt as she yelled at him.

"Tal..enough," they heard ratchet say. He was being pulled by another guard. "They said I could finally leave..but they have to keep a close eye on me.."

She let the guard go, and ran up to the lombax, hugging him. Ratchet happily returned to gesture with a smile on his face.

"Come on..let's get out of here.." She whispered.

-10:00 am-

"Things have been crazy..all over the news they have been talking about you." Tal said as she opened the front door. "But don't worry..i'll make sure to make you feel at home."

The lombax walked in and looked around, simply nodding. Tal frowned, her friend..had changed. Of course she expected this, he had seen one of his dearest friend dead. But, she couldn't help but feel like..something more was off. Like, he was hiding something.

"Tal..are you okay?"

"Huh?" She looked up at him, "oh yeah..are you hungry?"

Ratchet nodded, "yes..actually."

"I'll go make you something."

She left ratchet in the living room and went to go cook. Ratchet meanwhile, took the time to search around the house. Minutes later, she came out with a plate. "Here you go!"

"Thanks.." He grabbed it and went to sit on the couch to start eating. She sat next to him and began watching the news, again..talking about ratchet's case. She sighed.

" don't think..I did it right?"

She looked at him,"of course not would never hurt him. All of our friends know this.."

Ratchet smiled at hearing her say this, "I'm glad you are here for me.." He stood up, "hey where-"

The lombax didn't get to finish his sentence as he heard ringing in his ears, his vision then turned blurry. He fell to the ground.


-8:00 pm-

The lady sitting at the front desk was busy filling in paperwork. There was a random call that startled her, she answered immediately. "Yes? This is th-"

"Help me!..they told me to call here if something happened! They killed her!"

"Sir! Please calm down, what is your name?!"

"My name is ratchet!"

The lady froze when she heard his name. ' happened again..'
"Stay calm is on its way."

-Two hours later-

A detective walked in, "so..they weren't lying when they said he was back..",

"You thought it was a lie..?" The lady asked him.

"Yes..the victim has been dead for more then 2 hours.."

"Any clues?"

"No..and no one wants to help us."

"We have someone who can help.." The lady said.

"Who?" He asked.

"Actually..a group..they call themselves the psychonauts."

Innocent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora