Chapter 1

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I nervously walk into Disney Studios, before you get any ideas, no I'm not auditioning, I can't act. I'm here for a job as a staff. One of the studios need someone to clean the set before the stars shoot. I and who's better at cleaning than me? I mean I clean after 4 kids, 5 including myself, and a tired mom everyday. I walk up to desk and sign in, a few minutes after I sit down a tall man is calling me into his office.

"So your Jessica Garcia" he asks, "Yes Sir" I nod "Okay, let me ask you some question Jessica," he tells me. I nod again. "How old are you?" he asks me. "Seventeen," I answer

"Date of birth?"

"December 29, 1995."


"All A's."

"What grade are you in?"


"What kind of classes are you taking?"



"Advanced Placement"

"And your getting all A's?"

"Yes sir."


"Thank You."

"Why do you want to work here? Do you want to meet the Disney Stars?" "Um, actually, I'm looking for a job that pays well and this...pays a lot." "Why saving up for a IPhone 5 or something?" I look down "Actually, I'm trying to support my family. I'm the oldest and I have 4 little sisters, and my mother has to take care of us all on her own," I say quietly "Ms. Garcia sob stories get you nowhere," he tells me "That's a shame. I liked you" he mutters. "No! Really!" I tell him. I pull out a picture of my family on thanksgiving last year, "That's me, my sisters, and my mother, last year on thanksgiving, my father died when I was 3," I tell him. "And why is that picture conveniently in your wallet?" he asks, "Because It's my family, and they mean the world to me." I tell him, he sighs. "You really need this job, Don't you?" "I really do," I say with pleading eyes. "I'll keep you posted," he tells me, He walks me out. I really hope I didn't just blow it.

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