Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ao No Exorcist BonXRin 

Rin stared at his younger twin bother, as he stood in front of the class. All that was on Rin's mind at the moment was how Yukio had gotten here. For all he knew, Yukio didn't know about Rin being a demon, none the less being the son of Satan.

"It's nice to meet you all." Yukio spoke, as Rin started at him in shock. "I'm Yukio Okumura. I'll be your anti-demon pharmaceuticals instructor."

"Yukio?" Rin just sat there like an idiot, staring at his little brother.

"Yes. Yukio." Rin's younger brother expression didn't change at all. "Is something wrong?"

Anger welled up in Rin, as he glared at his twin. How could Yukio be here? Why was he acting like this? This wasn't the same helpless and caring brother he knew. Yukio had changed so dramatically in the one week after Father Fujimoto died.

"What's wrong with you?" Rin asked, trying to calm down and find a reason for all this.

"Nothings wrong. Class is session. So be quiet." Rin stared at his brother in utter shock, as he continued. "As you may have guessed, I'm a new instructor who's the same age as you. But with regard to exorcism, I'm two years ahead of you. So please address me as Mr. Okumura."

Rin continued to stare at his brother, as he continued with the class. Yukio started talking about temptaint, for which Mephisto had to explain. Apparently they were wounds that demons afflicted that gave humans the ability to see demons, not like Rin cared. He wanted to know why Yukio was here. Scratch that. He needed to know.

Rin got up so fast the desk screeched forward, in complaint, and he walked up to the desk in the front. He slammed his palms into the table nearly knocked the measuring glass over.

"Hey!" Rin glared at his brother, wanted to strangle him till he got the information he needed.

"Yes?" Yukio didn't even look up from his work, as held the measuring cup in place and poured milk into it.

"Explain yourself!"

"We're in the middle of class. Sit down."


Rin slammed his palm on the top of the desk and glared at his younger brother straight in the eyes. The startled classmates around Rin started at the two of them, as Yukio set down the jug the milk. The demon could feel the stares and few glares drilling into his back, as he kept his glare on this twin.

Forget about not looking like a moron in front of the class. Rin was way past that line. He was frustrated and upset beyond belief. None of this made sense and no one was telling him anything. Rin's patience was running thin.

Yukio let out a sigh and looked up at Rin, meeting his gaze. Without a change of expression, or hint of emotion in his eyes, he looked to his classmates.

"Could all of you wait outside, while I talk to Mr. Okumura?"

Rin's classmates slowly got up and a sound of annoyance sounded to the left of Rin. He didn't have to turn to know it was the guy with the chicken hair style, and piercings in both ears. The guy already looked annoyed to begin with, and he sure shared his feelings with Rin. When he passed the demon, he purposefully smacked his elbow into Rin's side, ramming him into the desk. Rin growled and turned his head, as the guy passed. Despite the two glaring at each other, a spark flashed between them. Not just of anger, but with a bit of feeling. The glared faded immediately on Rin's face and he stared after him, as the guy left the room, closing the door. Rin's tail twitched and he ripped his eyes away from the door. He couldn't think about every muscle and bone in his body wanting to go after that guy. Yukio was in front of him and finally alone. He had all the answers to Rin's questions, hopefully.

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