Chapter 1 origins

Start from the beginning

Leave this land... Or die." As the words rolled out of his mouth in a dry whisper he began to behave oddly as if nervous. The magic green faded. "No.. You leave! A grayish blonde haired young man said. Upon acknowledgement, his green eyes flared. One of the Unians made a move towards him. Iranian quickly drew a flaming arrow and shot it. The arrow stuck in its chest. It hissed harshly then croaked. After the show it became a stand off, both were afraid to move. Then it happens someone cast a sharp spear type object to the Unians, causing them to attack. In the midst of all this, Tokili saw the lead Unian creeping towards the gate taking out the guards as he went. Bolted up to him. "Scared?"

She said being condescending. He turned around used a surge of power force her power back. It was like rough being pushed back by a cloud of leaves. She was then struck by a thorny vine it sliced her arm and shoulder then an another vine caught her by the leg she cut it with the sword in her the left hand. She swung at him with the sword in one hand and using the other hand to shoot out a bolt of fire. He ducked then blocked the fire with a wall of green particles which were consumed. She sent another bolt. He leaned backward in time to dodge the bolt. He watched her jump through the air at him with her sword poised in his direction. The sword plunged deep into him as she stepped back "It over." She said in a hoarse voice, as she charged a fireball. The Unian watched as she flung it at him. He increased it destruction with his resistance causing it to explode. Throwing Tokili back several feet, and feelings her head with flash backs. She woke up in bed not knowing how long she had been out, although she remembered everything that had happened.


3 years later. Toulon has become the leading authority on research of the effect plants, the city council becomes wary of displaying their new found powers, because of increased aggression from other creatures in the magical categories, however Unian retreated back into the swamplands of Gorril. Iranian walked on tolls, who were neck deep in her research. "Paper moth!" Toulon flinched then look up and acknowledged him. "Hey! At least she's not eating the pages." Iranian turned to see a dark haired brown eyed girl walk out of the back room. Toulon spoke up. "Irrian I don't believe you met Emmalea. She does weapons and mixing." "Enchanted." Emilia remarked as she slightly bowed before leaving the room. "When did she get here?" Iranian inquired. "She got in from Boiz..." Iranian interrupted. "The mountain region?" "Who else? Apparently they think taking the force within the wilds lesser of weapons forged of mountain rock and metal. And I incapable of discovering the secrets to myself!" "Easy now. You do remember where I came from." Emilia stumbled into the room carrying a heavy crate of assorted weapons. "Let me help you with that." Iranian rushed to Emmalea's aid. "Thank you! Kindhearted folks don't come out of Boiz." Emilia smirked. "You know of my origins?" "Give me more credit than that." Emilia smiled shyly and continued her work. Iranian scratched the back of his head as he met Tokili's gaze as she rolled her eyes.

A servant stepped into the room, they paused. The servant made her way to Tokili and whispered in her ear. Toulon abruptly got up a reach for her cloak. Which completed her medieval look, and covered her dark autumn red dress and leather strap chest piece. Iranian followed her into the street followed by Emmalea. "Where are you going?" Iranian called from behind. "Arnice is in trouble again."

Toulon arrived at a rag tag, rug down brick based, wooden house. As most houses and buildings were styled. They were met by a short man, about five feet. Toulon her two friends stood at least a foot taller than he.

"I like to speak with Keyaz." "Doors open. Better keeps your brat out of the storage room!"

Toulon lead the way into the house. "Keyaz! "Where is Arnice?" "What will you give me?" "It is not lawful to hold someone for ransom." "Law? That is not how I do things" Emmalea spoke up. "Give up the boy or..." Toulon interrupted "No violence! Can we please resolved this?" "Well then silence your slaves." Iranian glared at Emmalea as she retorted.: "I am, no slave!" Dare you disrespect me a mutt!" Emilia said nothing, Keyaz took this as a sign that he won this argument. Emilia sensed this and on impulse drew her dagger darted up to him and press the knife against his neck. "Emmalea."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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