I Love You

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I'm tired of this.

I’m tired of myself.

I’m in love.  Really.

I’ve never truly been in love before.  All my ‘girlfriends’ have been flings.  And it’s not just anyone.

It’s him.

I’m in love with Joseph Joestar.

Joseph Joestar, my best friend and totally straight.  There’s no way he’d even think about me like this.

I hate myself for thinking about him like this.  I don’t even deserve to be friends with him.  He’s too amazing.  And I’ll never admit that.  He’s absolutely perfect.  Although he may be annoying, that’s what makes him, well, him.

And his voice.


I’ll never be able to tell him.  I’ll never do it.  But…

These feelings are too strong.

I haven’t even know him for a month.  There are bound to be things I don’t know about him.

And Suzie.  He’s totally in love with her.

Why would he pick me?

Why would he even think about that?

I’m nothing.

I’m a guy.

Joseph isn’t gay.

But what if he is?

No.  There’s no way.

But… That’d be amazing.  A miracle.

I don’t want this.

Why did I have to fall for him.

I never wanted this.

I wanted a normal life.

I was fine with the signorinas around town.

Whenever he looks at me I get nervous.

We’ll talk and… I don’t even know.  This is so unlike me.  Is this love?  Isn’t love supposed to make you feel happy?

Well, I guess it does.  He’ll laugh and I’ll get this really warm feeling.  And I feel the need to kiss him. I want to hold him and call him mine.  I want to kiss him.  I need to kiss him.  So badly.  At meal times, the only time I see his lips, I’d want to reach over and grab him by the collar and smash his lips against my own.

I want to scream to him.  To tell him that I love him.

He’ll put his hand on my shoulder and I’ll feel inexplicably happy.  I don’t understand.

Saving the world shouldn’t have anything to do with love.

It’ll just get in the way.

Is this real love, though?

I’ll look at him and I’ll want to cry, because I know I’ll never have a chance.  And I know that he’ll never like me but what if.

What if he does.

What if he’s just as conflicted as I am?

He’d be really confused.

It’s too much for me.

This is all too much.

I need to try.

Caesar gulped. “Joseph”  The courtyard was dark.  It was night.  The only two outside were him and Joseph.  The shadow of the mansion loomed over the two as they gazed out the horizon.  Joseph looked over at the blonde curiously.

“Yeah man?”  Joseph’s face changed when he saw the look on the other's face.  “What’s wrong?!”  Caesar felt the tears building up.  “Dude, what the hell, why are you crying all of a sudden?!  This is totally unlike you!”

Caesar choked out a laugh and looked at Joseph.

“Yeah, I know.  This is totally unlike me.”

What am I thinking?

This won’t work.

He’ll never feel the same.

Caesar wiped his face with his hands and looked up at Joseph.  He grabbed him by the collar.

“Yo, what the he-”

Caesar yanked him forward and crashed his lips against Joseph’s.  Joseph eyes widened.

“Joseph I’m in love with you.”

Caesar let go and let his hands fall to his sides.  Joseph staggered backward.  He went inside, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Joseph put a hand to his lips and stood there, appalled.

“What the fuck?”

I messed up.

Loosely based on how I'm feeling rn.

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