Chapter 6 We can handle this

Start from the beginning


"Do you think Mom might get a new boyfriend?"
Gary innocently asked as they stepped inside the hotel with the McDonalds meals they ordered.
Zach gave Gary a shrug. "Maybe if the date goes well ."
Zach told him.
I hope so too, Claire told herself. She put up with Scott's shit for to long she deserve someone better.
Once the door shut behind them. They headed to kitchen table placing down their meals.
They seated themselves, pulling out their food from the paper bags.
Stuffing themselves with McDonalds.
"Hey Aunt-Claire?"
Gary asked with his mouth full of chicken nuggets .
"Did you're date went well?"
The nine year old asked.
Claire raised her eyebrows .
"What date sweetie?" She asked.
"The one with Owen . Did it go well?"
He asked.
Claire looked at Gary , wondering how on earth he knew about Owen and Claire disaster date. Did Owen told him about? No. He wouldn't do something so disrespectful . Plus , Owen was looking at Gary puzzled , always wondering how he knew about their date.
"How did you know that me and Owen went on a date before?" She asked him.
Gary looked at her with a puzzled look on his face .
"Because he's your boyfriend. Don't people normally take their lovers on dates?"
The nine-year said.
Owen eyes widen , almost chocking on the his food. "I' m her what?"
He nervously chuckles out. Owen looked over at her to see if she knew what Gary was talking about. Her cheeks turned in a bright red, this really shouldn't be happening.
"Dude," Zach spit out, hitting his little bother on his shoulder.
Claire let out a sigh. Ever since that kiss from the island the boys believe Owen was her boyfriend. Even through she told them countless times before their were not couple they would give her a look that read 'bullshit.'
Eventually Zach stoped asking her questions but he still believed they weren't just friends.
Gary on other wasn't convinced that Owen wasn't her boyfriend. No matter how many times Claire told him they aren't couple he refuses she telling the truth.
She heard Owen said beside her.
Claire turned to look at him.
"May I have a word with you in private?"He told her, his voice was serious.
She nodded her head.
They stood up from their seats . As they stepped of the room she heard the boys arguing to each other from behind.
"Look what you done Gary ."
Zach cried at Gary in a loud whisper.


They stepped inside the bedroom.
She heard Owen shutting the door from behind.
"Claire ." He said  , his voice sounded disappointed.
"I'm sorry," she whispers .
She heard him coming over to her, walking slowly toward her.
"Ever since the kiss from island," she said.
"The boys thought you were my boyfriend. I try to explain that your aren't, but they don't believe me. I'm so so so sorry that made you uncom.."
As she rambles on , Owen crashes his lips onto hers interpreting her speech.
Claire made a surprise squeak when Owen crashed lips, but later fell into the kiss.
The kiss deepen as Claire felt hands on her lower back and around her waist.
Their lips were in sync with one other .Breathing heavily against each other.
As their kissing started becoming less innocent and started to lead into something not inappropriate things reality hits Claire. She pulls away from Owen lips .
They stared at each other as they pants heavily. Trying to gain back their energy.
"What was that for?" Claire breathe out.
Owen chuckles as his hands cupped her face. Feeling her warmth underneath his hands.
"I want to be with you Claire . I  been feeling things for you  for a long time and I know you  been feeling things about me too. "
He said .
"And today I realized how much I want to be apart of your Claire life.  I want to be yours."
Claire breathe hitched.
"My what?" She asked .
Owen smiles at her.
"Your boyfriend."
Claire eyes widen at his response.
Is this really happening.
"So," Owen begins.
"Is that alright with you?"
He ask.
Claire bit her lip.
She answers.
"Yes!" She repeated herself.
Owen smile widen.
It felt right for them to be together. They went through their ups and downs together. Yet still they stand strong. This was the beginning something new for Claire. Before she would be afraid to get in a new relationship. For years her love life have been never healthy. No one stay with her for long .She eventually she gave up looking for love and just focused on her job. Building a wall around her so she wouldn't be broken again both physically and mentally.
But that is wall became dust. She no longer the same the person she was then . She is now a better person than she was before. And it was thanks to him.
This man.
She gave a quick kiss on the lips, wrapping her arms around his neck .
"I think we should tell the boys the news," she whispers in his ears.
He chuckles softly.
"Oh definitely ."
He said.
Owen begins walking toward the door with Claire along his side. He grab doorknob twisting on it and opening the door. As he flung the door it was hit against something hard.
"Ow!" A familiar voice cried.
Claire and Owen stood there for moments.
They peak around the door.
"What are you two doing!"
Claire shriek out .
There stood Gary and Zach whose was rubbing his forehead head due to the fact it was slammed hard against the wooden door.
"Nothing," Gary said as he shook his head.
"Where you guys ear dropping on us?"
She asked the boys.
They looked at each other for moments before answers their aunt.  Zach the oldest let out a sigh. "Yes." He said as looked away from her eyes.
"Look. Aunt Claire."
Zach said as looked at her eyes.
"I know what we did is wrong. We shouldn't have been listening your personally conversation, and we're sorry about that. But it's just.." He pauses. He press his lips together firmly .
"We where afraid we'll lose Owen."
Gary finished his bother sentence.
"Please don't be mad at us."
Claire looked at two boys. Sure, they meant not to cause no harm. But they were invading their privacy that was wrong. She honestly didn't what to do in this type situation . Should she scolded them or just laugh it off.  She was gonna tell them about her and Owen officially becoming a couple , so there where gonna find out either way .
Claire let out a sigh.
She looked over at Owen .
Owen looked her have a small soft smile. She felt one of he's hand on hers. He gave a nodded.
She lets out a sigh.
Claire looked back at her nephews.
"I'm gonna let this slide."
She said.
The boys eyes lit up as they smile in relief.
"Your not mad?" Gary asked.
Claire let a sigh.
"I'm a little furious." She admits.
"But,do I understand you guys were just worry about Owen." She told them.
"So we're not in trouble?" Zach asked.
Claire nodded her heads."Your not in trouble."
She told them. They smile at her answers.
She then felt a familiar warmth on her right shoulder.
"So." Owen spoke up .
"Since this is situation is clear up." He said as he wiggles his eyebrows at Claire . Claire scoff.
"I guess you guys heard the news."
He chuckles softly.
"Yup!"  Gary  said .
He smiles properly showing of teeth.
Zach shrugged his shoulders.
"It's about time." He said .
Owen and Claire chuckles at his response.
"Hey." Owen said changing the subject.
Grabbing everyone attention.
"You know what would be nice ?"
He asked everyone.
The boys shrugged their shoulders and shaking there heads.
"We should have a movie night."
He said.
"Yeah!" Gary cheered ,jumping up and down like a bunny rabbit.
"Lets get started! Come on!" He said as he rushes to living room.
Zach let out a sigh as he watches his little bother run off.
"Why do you always get overly excited for everything?!"
He called out.
As he followed Gary to living room.
Leaving Owen and Claire behind.
"I feel."
She said as looked over at Owen.
He was looking at her too.
" This is our first step into something big. ."
She said.
Owen smiles at her, grinning wide.
"Let's walk through this path ours, then."
He reach down grabbing her hand holding it softly.
"Together ."
He told her.
She nodded her head .
They walked together to their way to the living.
It's kinda scary. Claire thought.
Yet not at the same time.

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