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A topic questioned by man.
But why is that made eagar to explore?

Something unexplainable, untouched. Maybe it should be untouched.
For eons, our ancestors have attempted to answer these 'other worldly' phenomenons in form of stories, religion, and pathetic accusations but all tie into one.

Curiosity as the main fuel to generate the force of that ache in your 'gut' telling yourself, "I need to know"
Sometimes when man searches for something, it can be an object they would rather forget, or question even futher...

It is quite funny in all honesty.
I was used to peering down at all the creations our grandfathers created. Thinking that I could foolishly trust one of them...

We would see how each individual organism interacted with its environment, how they adapted, changed, and behaved. 
I was absolutely fascinated by these things....
I felt at awe inspired to understand or master their skills, in which we could try and mimick.
My attempt caused me to fall seriously ill.

The cause?

An early genetic default.

From this gene, it began to strangley override my abilities.

Because of this it began to separate distinct gifts - my powers -
two separate beings.

I had no memory how I ever took possession of this knowledge. I was young, ignorant, active, alone.

So when the defect did the parting, I have been ended up with a twin sibling. All were left in complete shock, disbelief, fear, wonder.

How I became in two was clearly due to the fact as I never had a developed body, as I never had a real body my powers could have taken shape as.

No matter our parents formally named us Lunahar and Rosrare, or to to put simply - Lunar and Rose.

We were like left brain and right brain.
A perfect match together as we can combine our selfs back to original form. As strange were our starting years were it did also meant that the longer we are apart the more hazardous we can become. That is due to the fact since both of our gifts could divide us it has the potential to create energy more strong and when we are combined even stronger..
As so we trained how to maintain balance through coordinate procedures carried through our personal mentors and guards.
I, as Lunar have an 'angel' defendant, named Cast, as my twin, Rose, have a 'demonic' defendant named, B.D.

With them they taught us many things, as for me, got into the habit of pathetic humor.

Overall, each rotation of our previous planet- we have be taught becoming more familiar into the conclusion that we will have an important role that will challenge our grandfathers.

This was a problem of course as we are not sure of what kind of role we will stage but in all was very clear...

Lunar and Rose are to take the throne once they fall.
Towards one of our grandfathers, he were not fazed by this fact, willing to accept the fact, as for his brother,
thought of us unfit for the role of Purity.

Overall throughout my stages of youth was much more different and complex..

If you will, I am not a common entity. If you remembered well, people have tried explaining 'other worldly' phenomenons through religion. 
And if that statement means no use to you, think of me and Rose
this way...


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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