Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

So, ignoring the dreadful brooding within me, I moved on. Strigoi, you're meeting with some tough challenge.


(Dimitri POV)

I was sure that Dawn spotted the bitterness in our eyes when we smiled at her earlier. I was also sure that that was part of the reason which willed her to go on.

As we moved on towards the caves, I can sense Rose tense up. Looking over at her, we caught each others eyes, seeing the worry that reflected from each other. She moved closer, and I quickly grabbed hold of her hand, squeezing it gently.

Then we stopped. We were barely a few feet from the caves. And the sun is going to reach its highest point in about ten minutes.

Rose lead me towards Dawn, who was standing alone, staring at the caves' opening. Dragging Dawn's attention away from the caves and towards us.

"Dawn. This is dangerous. Very dangerous. If we were to tell you to run, you WILL listen and run, do you understand? No hesitations." Rose instructed.

Dawn gulped, turning to me. I wasn't going to give in to anything this time, Rose is right. So I fixed Dawn with my most piercing stare, whether or not I will be scaring her. She needs to know that we are trying to keep her safe her, and there will be no absolute need for her to play heroine.

After a long while, Dawn nodded. Both Rose and I visibly relaxed.

"It's time." Edmond's voice broke us from our thoughts. Sure enough, the sun was exactly up in the peak.

As one, we hiked into the caves, with me leading, Rose taking the tail and the others surrounding us, shielding Dawn as we circled her.

The caves were dark and cold, just like I remembered from the last time twenty-five of us came. It could have been ten minutes, it also could have been half and hour or an hour, a flash of black dash past my sight.

Immediately I had my stake out and started defending. Keeping our plan in mind, I kept my distance from Dawn close, to keep her concealed until she uses her element of surprise. I must have staked two Strigoi when more came. My heart sank.

We had presumed there were a about a dozen Strigoi. It will be easy enough if we have a distraction and we can have a two to one. But, almost twenty Strigoi appeared. We are going to lose more great warriors and fighters.

Staking the Strigoi I am fighting who obviously was too arrogant and therefore underestimated me, I saw the flash of fire. Dawn. I stared to shout at her to run when the caves shook.

"I'm fine, Daddy. I've got this!" Dawn yelled.

At her yelling, she caught the attention of five Strigoi. The ones that look old. Way, way too old for someone so young like her to handle. The fear of losing my only daughter hit me hard, and somehow, the other Strigoi don't matter. My daughter does.

The caves rumbled some more, and small rocks started raining upon us. Not something guardians couldn't handle, but something that is alarming. Are the caves collapsing?

Doing a quick sweep, four dead bodies lay before me, and the others are battling with their own enemies. More rocks fell, though none actually fall on us. With a start, I realized why. Dawn is manipulating this. But why?

My eyes returned to the five Strigoi staring in amusement at Dawn. Then the top of the caves collapsed on them.

They weren't affected by the rocks though, but the sunlight that shone through did. Yelping, all five leaped out of that area where the sun is shinning brightly on. Their eyes gleamed as their eyes went back to Dawn.

The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now