Why We Remember

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I'm so excited to go off to war!; I'll see the world, take a tour; if you go there and save the day; than you'll come back a hero they say; my mother says that she's so proud; that she'll declare it nice and loud; that her son went off to war; and soon my story will be lore;

Now that I'm here I see that they lied; just to get me inside; the bloody ground which I stand upon; as gunshots ring across the dawn; soldiers are dying left and right; each falling to the Nazis might;

I want to go home, so I'm a coward they say; but I can't stay here another day; I don't want to die so young; for I could never leave my mum; call me a coward, call me weak; but I can't stay in this land so bleak;

My sergeant drills me very hard; sends me out and makes me guard; I barely have any time to sleep; and in my bed I always weep;

I weep for my brothers who are back home; and for the farm they work and roam; I weep for Emily, who is back there; with her sweet voice and golden hair; I might never see her again; and with that thought, my strength does drain;

On the field again with my fellow troops; Always in twenty-man groups; my partner Rick gets shot in the head; and falls to the ground, already dead; his blood splatters across my breast; all across my army vest; I get shot in my chest too; and as I close my eyes I think of you.

This is why we remember.

(I know it's late, but wattpad wouldn't let me update. This was also an English project.)

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