Chapter 1

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Diagon Ally

Nino's pov

My cousin Nick and I approached a giant stone-brick wall.

"What's the point of tapping a wall, Nick?" I asked
"You'll see Nino." He simply replied

Being the only two wizards in our family means he's the one who has to take me to buy my school supplies.

Nick tapped the wall a few times before it miraculously opened all at once.

I was blinded by a white light for a few seconds before my eyes adjusted to the new found source of light.

I couldn't help gasping, what I saw was amazing.

The streets were full of a wide variety of Magical shops !

"Come on Nino lets go get our books !" Said Nick with a wide grin on his face.

Adrian's pov
I entered the Diagon Ally by myself with my money in my right pocket.

"I guess I should go get my books and stuff."

I entered a shop crowded by parents and their kids. In the corner I spotted a brown haired dude with glasses that looked around my age.

"Sup dude !"

I turned and saw the boy with glasses talking to me.

"Um...hello?" I said.
"I'm Nino what's your name ? Or should I just call you dude?" He said smiling brightly.
"Oh ! Sorry I'm Adrian !"
"Well it's nice to meet you Adrian ! I hope we can be friends ! Wanna sit on the Hogwarts express together? Wait are you even going to Hogwarts ?" He finished talking and took a breath.
"Yeah I am, and I'd love to sit with you !"
"Cool! Once I've - wait do you wanna shop with my cousin and I ? Then you and I can go to the train together !"
"Sure!" I replied.

After a few hours of shopping we were done.

We bought all kinds of things. We got our wands which took us at least 30 minutes to find and all of our books we both got brooms and a pet each. Nino got a turtle he named Wayzz and I got a black cat I named Plagg.

I wondered how father will react when I come home at the end of the year with a cat. Doesn't matter right now.

After shopping before we knew it we were nearly late !

"Come on Adrian and Nino ! If you don't hurry up we will all be late and miss the train ! " Nick pretty much screamed at us.

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