“You’re the Marauder’s heir! We’re not worthy!” The twins said mock bowing to her. 

“You two are crazy. If you ever need a prank idea, you can come to me. I promised I wouldn’t get into too much trouble, so I can’t really participate in the pranks,” she told them. 

“I’m going to go and tell Lee about this,” Fred said jumping up from the couch and running up to the boy’s dormitory.

George was about to get up and follow him when Harri put a hand on his forearm. “Do you want the map back?” she asked, kind of hoping that they wouldn’t. It was something her father made…

“Nah, it rightfully belongs to you. Thanks for telling us that you found it though, see you later Harriet,” he answered making his way towards the stairs.

“It’s Harri,” she told him with a smile. Her green eyes were twinkling with mirth at the prospect of a new friend.

If Harri had been paying more attention she may have noticed the light blush that dusted George’s pale, yet freckled, cheeks.

Harri went back to her room, figuring that she should probably write to Sirius and Remus about her time on the train and sorting. Then later that night she’d use one of the two way mirrors to quell her godfather’s initial curiosity, but she had to wait for Hermione to be out of the room for that. From what she had seen of the bushy haired Gryffindor, she noticed that the girl was a stickler for rules and would definitely not approve of her two way mirror. 

Harri quickly pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write:

Dear Sirius and Remus (I know you’re there! You’ve been waiting for this letter too!)

Well, I’ve made some interesting friends, one of them being a Malfoy. Now, before Sirius overreacts, (Remus, can you stop him from ranting? I know he is.) he isn’t in Slytherin. He’s in Ravenclaw and seems like a rather nice person. He reminds me of Remus, always has his nose in a book. I’m rooming with Hermione Granger, you know, the girl from the scholarship competition? I’m also friends with the Weasley twins, who are pranksters. Their names are Fred and George and they found the Marauder’s Map and gave it to me! Anyway, I was sorted into Gryffindor and have to go and find the Great Hall for the first time in a matter of minutes and then I get my class schedule! I’m so excited. I’ll contact you on the two way mirror when I can.

It also turns out that your dear cousin, Bellatrix, had a daughter. She seems absolutely horrid! She’s so mean to Draco. I hope to build up his confidence a little and get Hermione to break some rules. Those are my goals so far as a Hogwarts student. I hope to make some better ones. Oh, and Snape is a professor at Hogwarts. He kept glaring at me during the feast. I blame you and dad. I’ll write to you again soon.


Harri heard Hermione get up right when she was folding her letter up. She’d find someone to show her to the Owlry later.

About a half hour later Harri was sitting in the Great Hall with Hermione who seemed ridiculously nervous. “Hermione, it’s going to be fine. You’re brilliant, you aren’t going to have any problems in class,” she told her for the millionth time that morning.

“Good morning, Harri,” Draco said from behind the two girls. Hermione jumped in surprise and Harri laughed. 

“Morning, Draco. What brings you all the way over to the Gryffindor table?” she replied with a chuckle.

“I got rather board sitting there by myself,” he told her sitting down next to the emerald eyed girl. 

Suddenly, the mail came and to Harri’s surprise, Hedwig came flying in with a letter to her leg. Harri quickly took it off and tied her letter to Sirius on it. She quickly told Hedwig who to take it to before opening the letter.

As Hedwig flew away she opened the mysterious note:

Dear Bambi,

I told Hedwig to give this to you after you got to Hogwarts. She’s such a smart owl. You better be sending me a reply right now! Since I wasn’t able to see you off at Kings Cross you better tell me all about your adventure on the train! Did you make any friends? Did you punch anyone? I hope you caused trouble, I don’t care what Remus told you before you left, make the Marauders proud!

Your Godfather,



So, that was the chapter. Originally, I did have a poll for this story, but it's been over for a very long time. I should have another chapter up in a few hours.



I don't own Harry Potter

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