Chapter Two

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So, you've come to learn about paranormal beings, eh? First off, there are werewolves, vampires, fairies, ghosts and genies. Each one has a 'royal family' – the fairies have the King and Queen of Fae, the vampires have the High Vampire, the werewolves have the Alphas, the ghosts have the Spectre and the genies have the Ghoul. They all live in their big fancy houses in the paranormal part of town. You probably think they all date back to the middle ages? Wrong. They've all been around forever. Hiding until the 1600s, where they finally came out to us humans. Of course, things with powers are things to be feared, right? Wrong, again. We should welcome them. The fairies can make plants produce more oxygen – meaning we'll survive longer as a species. The genies can grant us wishes, if they truly want to, meaning we could get the ability to live forever! Ghosts can get to places we can't and so can werewolves (who are great hunters by the way) and vampires! Don't get me started on the vampires! I love the vampires. Did you know that one third of the blood we donate go to vampires? I didn't either, until I asked the High Vampire, that was kept very well under wraps, wasn't it? They all have their weaknesses though. Did you know, in the 1800s a Spectre scientist tried to make an all-powerful being with different body parts? The monster killed the scientist and is rumoured to still be out there!

"Aren't you tired yet, Avery?" My mother asked me. I turned away from my book and started to twirl my red hair around my fingers.

"No, not yet." My mother was just like me, just older. My brown eyes matched hers and so did my red hair and purple wings. Her wings fluttered slightly, a sign she knew I was lying.

"You are. You're playing with your hair." I stopped.

"Avery, go to bed. You've got your first day of school tomorrow." My father told me. His green wings poked out the back of the armchair he was sitting on. People always think our wings are solid, but they're more like coloured air, they fit around our clothes and surroundings as they're made up of our magical powers. We're easy to distinguish from others as everyone can see our wings.

"Why can't I stay home schooled?" I sighed and got up off the floor.

"We've been over this, Avery. We can't strengthen the treaty between the royal families unless you – the future Queen – spend time with other paranormals!" My father sighed. "That's why we moved to the area, to be closer to the Royal Families."

"Fine. Night!"

"Goodnight, Avery." My parents responded.

I went upstairs into my purple room and shut the curtains. I was the lucky one in this house, my window overlooked the gardens, which was overflowing with various plants and flowers, all arranged into colours of the rainbow. I could see some of our bodyguards filtering in and out of the plants. I had grown used to then guarding the house, I was just happy they didn't follow me around. I pulled the curtain firmly shut and walked into my en-suite. Inside the en-suite was a blue bath and shower combo, and a matching sink and toilet with a few shelves.

I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I switched on the TV opposite my bed switched to the fairy channel, which was showing the news. My eyes widened as the channel talked of a local group that was making examples of paranormals, by killing them and burning their bodies. So I quickly switched it off and lay thinking about too many things at once. I wonder what school was going to be like tomorrow. It was a supernatural school, made specifically to teach vampires, werewolves, fairies, ghosts and genies, but each kind kept to its own. At least, I think so. Having been home schooled most of my life, I wasn't completely sure. I wrapped myself up in my duvet tried to sleep but I was too nervous. What if I didn't make any friends at my new school tomorrow? What if I was made an outcast? What if people hated me because I was a princess? I mean, it was obvious I was a princess; fairies of royalty had bigger wings than normal fairies. What if I was bullied? What if I didn't understand the lessons? My old tutor in Liverpool can't be allowed to be teaching me things that are that far behind than my new school in South London, can she? What if I made myself look stupid? I tossed and turned all night with the thoughts spinning around my head. It didn't help that I was starting school on a Wednesday either, that would mean that everyone else is caught up from the weekend whereas I could be really far behind. I sighed and picked The Paranormal Guide to brush up on my history. If I wasn't going to get to sleep, I could do something constructive with my time.

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