Class passed really slowly. We had to read different chapters in our Spanish books out to the class. Easy and boring. I was practically jumping out of my seat in excitement when there was only fifteen minutes left of class. I couldn't wait to see Bella. I know, lame. I was so whipped. I hurried out of class and ran to my car quickly. As I drew near I saw Bella leaning against the side of my car gracefully. I smiled at her. How did she get here so fast? I got out the same time and I didn't even need to change out of my Gym clothes. Strange. She must have gotten out earlier than my class.

"Hey Edward, what took you so long? I have been waiting here for ages," Bella teased, pretending to look at a fake wristwatch and then yawning as if bored.

I grinned at her, "How did you get here so fast? I asked her curiously as we climbed in my car.

She froze... "Uh... My teacher let me out early because I finished running laps first," Bella said, looking down.

"Are you a good runner?" I asked her curiously.

"Yeah," Bella beamed, "I have won a couple of races."

"Really?" I asked her, amazed.

"Yeah, back in Phoenix before... uh, before I hurt my ankle badly," She replied evasively, looking down at the ground.

"Then, how come you were okay to run today and have been fine in all of your other P.E lessons?" I asked her, getting suspicious.

"Edward, just leave it okay. I told you the tru-truth now drop it," She replied angrily.

Bella looked up as I parked my car at her house and hurriedly climbed out of the car to escape further questions. I frowned. Should I go after her and demand to know, I thought. No, that will push her away. I quickly put my car into drive and turned my car around to head home. Bella was acting suspicious and I wanted to know why.


I burst into the house to see everyone sitting at the table in the living room. I had phoned them all on the ride home and told them we needed to have a meeting about Bella.

"What did you call us all together for, Edward?" Carlisle asked me curiously.

I looked around at the others as I sat down and noticed that they all wore the same curious expressions. I pulled my seat out and collapsed into it. Emmett coughed and looked at me encouragingly and I realised that I still hadn't talked.

"Well, um. I got out of Spanish and I thought that since Bella had gym and needed to change that I would be to the car before her," I started. Rosalie looked at me, as if to say, 'And? Why do we need to know?' "Let me finish," I told her impatiently, "Well, as I was saying before, when I got to my car Bella was already there. She had just had P.E so I asked her how she got out before me as we climbed into my car. She told me that she had finished running laps before everyone else so the coach let her out earlier. I asked her if she was a good runner and she told me about how she had won a couple of competitions in Phoenix. But the thing is, she kind of looked a bit defensive and more cautious as she told me this, so I asked her if she was still running competitively and her walls came up high. She told me that she had to stop running because she hurt her ankle really badly. And I thought to myself, this doesn't make sense, if she hurt her ankle badly, how can she still run around and beat everyone in P.E?" I finished my confusing story.

"That is suspicious, and have you ever seen Bella out in the sun?" Esme asked me pointedly.

"We never have, have we Edward?" Jasper asked me curiously.

"I don't think so, Jasper. But why?" I said, frowning.


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