Doctor Who - Chapter 2

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The pair reach Clara's front door.
"Wait!" said Clara.
"What is it? Zygons? The Sontarians? The Daleks tearing cracks in the universe" explained the Doctor.
"I think this bit of cobweb would look great across my door? What do you think Doctor? asked Clara putting the cobweb across.
"Yeah... And we can have these big stickers across your window" said the Doctor while pulling them out of the box and placing them on the window.
They carry on searching through the brown box until some kids come asking for sweets.
"Trick of treat?"
"LEAVE US, WE ARE DECORATING" shouted the Doctor at the 2 of the little kids. They ran off looking terrified.
"Doctor, what was that for?"
"They had too be told, Halloween is no place for kids... Now, where are these pumpkins?" said the Doctor letting himself into Clara's house full of excitement.

The Doctor & Clara carve the pumpkins together at her table. The Doctor sips his fresh tea what Clara just made.
"You may be very bad at most of the things in your stupid, boring, old human life... But you can make a great cup of tea, I'll give you that!
"Thank you Doctor... I think" replied Clara.
"Now... I was thinking for this pumpkin, we could have some sort of...
But before Clara could finish her sentence, the door bell rang.
Ding Dong.
"Sweets?" asked Doctor while looking at Clara.
"Here you go. Just go and give them out" said Clara passing him the sweets from the nearby table.
"Me? Is my hair okay?
"What?" said Clara.
"Does it look alright? shouted the Doctor.
"Kids Doctor. Not your flamming date"
"I don't do dates" he said while walking towards the front door down the hallway.

The Doctor opened the door.
The Doctor looked around and didn't see any kids at the door, the only kids he could see were across the street. All of a sudden, a women walked passed.
"Excuse me" said the Doctor to the women.
The women stopped and looked at him.
"Don't suppose you seen someone knock here?"
"No. Sorry love. But It's Halloween, everyone will be knocking about!" replied the women.
"Yeah. Your right"
"Anywho, must dash, Saturday Night Bingo is on" she said while walking away smiling.
The Doctor smiled and walked into the house and shut the door behind him, he walked straight into the kitchen.
"Nobody was there. Must of ran off" he said.
"Who would turn down free candy?"
"Don't know"
"Back to carving?" she asked.
"Sure" he replied.

Doctor Who - Halloween Night - Episode 1 - Part 1 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz