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 Seeing her entire squad die wasn't what broke her.


What broke her was seeing them alive and well, six years later.

It was impossible, she told herself. They died in a Changeling raid. I was the only one to make it out.

But, as a Changeling appeared from the shadows, it became clear. Essence strung her squad together like puppets, controlling them, forcing them to live. Live to serve the Changeling.

A tear ran down her cheek. Throwing her gun to the ground, she buried her face in her hands.

The Changeling gave out a coarse, rumbling laugh. She heard the slow, random shuffle of her former squad's feet move towards her.

Her earpiece crackled. The rest of her new squad was ordering a regroup. Overtaken by grief and horror, she couldn't process what was said. The husks of her old squad grew closer. She felt the unmistakable coldness of Essence circling her, preparing to string her up after she was dead.

The husks were so close she could hear their forced, quick breathing. Not quite alive, not quite dead. Forever to suffer in agony as the Essence forced them to remain in this world. One of them grabbed her by the shoulder. Looking up in fear, she recognized the face of her old seargeant. He used to be so full of life. Always smiling. Always joking. This lifeless face was not the one she remembered. Lowering her head in defeat, she closed her eyes, waiting for death to come. At the very least, she would be forever reunited with her squad.

Shots rang out behind her, and the hand flopped off of her. Realizing what was happening, she dove into the ground, shots whizzing over her head. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw the seargeant's body collapsed in front of her, blood and Essence oozing from bullet holes in his chest. The Changeling growled, it's eyes glowing blue. Drawing a scythe, the Changeling charged. Rolling out of the way, she caught a glimpse of her savior's brown armor. The scythe glowed blue as the Changeling's eyes, cutting through the darkness. The strike connected, and she assumed the worst. But on a closer look, she realized the blue glow was gone, shattered into the night sky. The armored man grabbed the scythe and began pulling it out of his armor. Her savior turned to her and met her gaze.

"Run!" he yelled at her. She stood there, dumbfounded, her legs like lead. The Changeling took this moment and readjusted himself, using his scythe as a lever to knock her savior to the ground. The armored man grabbed the Changeling and rolled towards her with him, a whirl of punches all the way. This snapped her out of her trance. Lowering her body, she jumped away right before the whirl was upon her. Giving one last look back, she escaped into the night.

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