I Love You

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Ok so this is gonna be a three-shot now. I'm worried if I post the whole thing now I'm gonna break Wattpad or something cuz the whole thing amounted to over 24,000 words. And it's not even fully done.

WARNING: Mentions of attempted rape, sexual assault, and abuse. Please be mindful of it. I'll put a * for where there are scenes like that, so keep an eye out for that.

Not fully proud of it but, here's part two of three. Thanks to SassyYugi for help with the arguing scene.

Hope y'all have nothing else planned today cuz this one's long. I hope you guys enjoy. Seriously. Or don't. I dunno, I'm tired.

Atemu hated school.

He almost didn't go the first day of eighth grade because Yuugi wouldn't be with him for the first time in years. Sayema went up to her son's room to drag him out of bed, finding only a lump beneath the covers. She sat next to the lump and spoke to it. Saying Yuugi wouldn't want this; he wouldn't want Atemu to throw everything away for him as she placed a hand on it, and that although they missed each other, he still had to be strong. She was cut off by her husband's shouting of Atemu's name from outside. She shot up and tore away the blanket. What greeted her was not the curled body of her son, but strategically placed pillows and a note that had one visible word: Sorry. Outside, Atemu was crying and Aknamkanon was yelling. Atemu bore a large backpack that, when searched, contained clothes, snack foods, a toothbrush and other small travel sized things that someone who was going somewhere undefined on a limited budget.

Sayema burst out into tears and demanded to know where- just where Atemu thought he was going. He held his head down in shame and tearfully replied;

"I was gonna look for Yuugi."

More scolding and yelling and crying rang out in the small home until eventually, they were all letting out tears and hugging.

"I miss him." Atemu would murmur. "I miss aibou!"

"I know, honey. I know."

'We miss him too'

Atemu went to school late that day. When half the day was already over.


Middle and most of high school passed and Yuugi never returned.

Atemu went about the years with mutual friends. They all remembered Yuugi but knew the topic was a touchy one so they hardly ever bought it up. People began to notice Atemu and tried to fill up the hole Yuugi left. There was never anyone good enough. Even that one girl, Mazaki Anzu, who was so obviously crushing on the Egyptian. Atemu ignored her and every other girl (and sometimes even boy) that caught interest in him. He would turn them down coldly, not caring about how other random people hurt anymore. Anyone who knew him when Yuugi was around would see how different he was from before. Still kind but not nearly as open or gentle.

At one point in his second year of high school, someone snapped and began to rant. It was some girl that he had turned down. She marched up to him, right in the middle of the courtyard, and yelled;

"What's your problem!? So some guy left, that doesn't mean you have to spend your whole gay-ass life angsting and waiting for him. He's never coming back! Get over it, Até!" She mocked.

Bystanders were silent as students began to glance anxiously at Atemu.

The young man looked down at the girl, who was still running her mouth on something she knew nothing about. He glared and grabbed her wrist tightly.

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