His butler: Changed

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Blinding white bright light covered the pale girl's body.  It had become morning, and now she laid on a silk covered bed. The tall butler dressed in black stood off to the side, staring at the girl with his crimson eyes. 'Why did he save her? What would the master think?' These thoughts ran through his head over and over like a scratched record. Yet, he could never come up with an answer. His eyes bore on her features taking it all in. Flawless pale skin making her look like a doll, (h/c) hair fell around her like a veil, pink plump lips, long black lashes that hid her beautiful (e/c) orbs. Her clothes were muddy and covered in blood. The wound when he found her had healed slowly.  The butler's thin eyebrows narrowed in confusion. Letting a sigh escape his pale thin lips, and swiftly left the room in which the girl lay. He didn't want to leave, but he had to play his part in the contract with his master. For a demon he was definitely getting soft. Fixing his black jacket, he quickly walked down the hallway. Two giant brown doors came into view at the end of the fancy hallway. He stopped in front of the said doors and knocked three times. A quiet 'come in' was heard through the solid objects that blocked the contracted beings from each other. Grasping the brass door knob, he push down, and allowed the door to swing open. "Good afternoon young master." The butler bowed in respect.  Sitting in the brightly lit room from the day light, was a boy. The boy sat proudly behind a large oak desk with one ocean blue eye glaring at the butler. With a deep sigh, the master stood from his chair and brushed some of his dark navy hair away from his face. He turned and faced the large window that had beautiful silk curtains hanging on the sides. "Bring me something sweet." the boy grunted out a order. With another bow the butler replied "Yes my lord" and left the office, closing the oak door behind him. Once back in the hallway, the attractive butler sighed in disbelief. "He'll spoil lunch.." The voice like melted butter left his perfect pale lips. No matter his comment, he continued to the kitchen. 

 Once entering the room, he began with his master's treat. While mixing everything together a thought popped into his mind 'I wonder if I should bring something for her..' To him, it was odd. Never in his years had he been truly concerned for a human. Even with his master, he only did what he was told. He grumbled to himself and began to make another meal. Once both were done he neatly placed them on a cart, then proceeded to the office once more. 

Knocking once again the familiar 'come in' was heard. Opening the door the butler rolled in the cart. Grabbing the tray from the cart, he walked over to the large desk and placed in before the master. With a quick bow, he left with the cart. Rolling wheels echoed in the hall, as the butler continued to the room. Once it came to view, he pulled up to the door and quietly opened it. Propping the door open with his back he grabbed the cart with one hand and moved in it the room. Closing the door behind him, he moved deeper into the brightly lit room.  Once at her bedside, his eyes widened slightly. There she was with big wide (e/c) eyes staring at him with terror and curiosity. With a shaky voice that escaped her full lips, she said three words that changed his and her world forever.

"Who are you?"    

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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