Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC. Please don't sue. All you will get is the dust bunnies under my bed.

~Rin POV~

"Kyoya, I don't suppose there's another exit to this place?"

As Tamaki continued to push at the gates, Kyoya's face twisted into a look of panic. Though it was barely noticeable, it was definitely there.

"Is the gate not opening, Tama-chan?" Honey spoke to the blonde standing above him.

Tamaki just stared at his black haired friend and waited for an answer.

"There is another exit," Kyoya said, and everyone looked at him with hope in their eyes. "But it would be extremely dangerous to attempt to reach it. We would have to pass through the uncharted territory. Anything could be through there. It's too dangerous."

Rin couldn't care less if they had to walk through a few meters of unexplored area. There was a man trying to kill them. If there were any way to raise their chance of survival for a few minutes, she would do it.

"It couldn't be that bad. What could there possibly be that could hurt us? I say we should go. Anything is better than standing here doing nothing." Rin exclaimed.

Kyoya looked uncertain for a moment before smiling softly and saying "alright".

The club didn't hesitate to begin moving when they saw Kazuki Amori exit the hotel. They ran straight into the forest, hoping that the man hadn't seen them. As they were running, Rin was as alert as ever. Especially since the man who was trying to kill them was just as trapped in the resort as they were. He could jump out at them from anywhere. The thought made Rin shiver with anxiety.

Kyoya, on the other hand, looked very calm. It was probably just in an attempt to keep the rest of the club calm, though it wasn't working very well. Honey was now sitting on Mori's shoulders hugging the boy with all of his might. Tamaki was huddled behind Haruhi, who also looked quite panicked, and the twins were trying to look like they were unphased by the whole event but were holding each other's hands tightly.

Throughout the time that they were walking, Kyoya could be seen looking curiously at the world around him. He took quick notes of the things that he saw so that he could give them to the creators of the resort when they got back.

What nobody in the club knew was that Kyoya had absolutely no idea where they were going. He obviously didn't tell them, because it would make them panic even more, therefore shattering all hopes of getting them out safely.

After a while, the club began to pull themselves together and focused on finding the way out instead of the man that was trying to kill them. Honey began telling a story to the club to get their mind off of the horrible position they were in.

Kyoya bent down to inspect a trail of animal prints that were carved into the mud. He concluded in his notebook that there was some sort of wildlife here, but the prints were too faded to distinguish. When he looked up from the ground, he saw that the club had gotten pretty far away from him. He quickly got up and jogged over to his friends.

"And then Takashi got to eat cake for the rest of his life!" Honey-senpai concluded his story.

The group seemed much calmer now, but it was clear they were still a bit anxious. When Tamaki noticed that Kyoya had caught up to them, he ran over.

"Kyoya! Do you know how much longer before we reach the exit? Those twins are driving me crazy! If they try to touch Haruhi again, they'll be- WAIT! Where's Haruhi?" Tamaki frantically looked around the area, trying to look for the girl.

The whole club took a moment to stop and look for Haruhi, and it wasn't very much longer before Kyoya realized that Rin was also nowhere to be seen.

"That explains why it was so quiet." Kyoya thought, silently cursing himself for not realizing that Rin wasn't there. Haruhi was not who Kyoya was worried about. She was capable of staying calm and finding the club again. Rin also seemed like that kind of person, but after the happenings of the last few days, he didn't know how she would react.

It also wasn't the least bit safe for Rin to be out alone in an unexplored jungle with a psychopathic killer on the loose. Kyoya's worries were temporarily subsided as he pushed some leaves of a bush out of the way and saw Haruhi and Rin standing there. They seemed to be staring intently at the ground, though the reason for the action was unknown.

As Tamaki began to run over to Haruhi, she looked up with a firm look on her face.

"Senpai, don't come any closer." Haruhi said, and the blonde stopped in his tracks.

"W-why Haruhi? Do you not love your daddy?" Tamaki looked like he was about to go into his infamous "emo corner".

Luckily, the Suoh was smart enough to know that it wouldn't be a good idea and stayed in his spot. The look of pain on his face never left. Kyoya shook his head. Tamaki was just being stupid.

"J-just... don't" Haruhi said firmly, though there was a slight stutter in her voice.

Kyoya looked a bit closer at Rin to see that she had a horrified look on her face. A bit more searching around the jungle floor and Kyoya saw what the girls were staring at. Unfortunately, Tamaki also noticed before the Ootori could say anything.

"ALLIGATOR!" the blonde screamed, backing away from the creature.

On the ground stood 3 large alligators. Both Haruhi and Rin were staring at it with terrified looks on their faces.

"TAKASHI! SAVE ME!" Honey cried as he jumped into the arms of his cousin.

"So much for staying calm..." Kyoya muttered to himself but brushed away the thought when Hikaru and Kaoru began slowly moving Haruhi and Rin away from the beasts.

They seemed very calm around the alligators, unlike Tamaki, who had already begun his dash away from them. Kyoya sighed and looked back over to Haruhi, who was also staying calm and was slowly backing away from the creatures, with Rin doing the same beside her.

Once they were far enough away, Haruhi and Rin spun around and began running. The twins followed them, as well as Honey and Mori, but Kyoya stayed behind for a moment. He watched the alligators closely and quickly wrote a note about the incident. Kyoya hoped that the alligators would not make their way to the resort before they could be removed.

After that, he pulled Tamaki down from the tree he was in, and they both walked over to the rest of the group, who had taken a break to wait for them.

Fortunately, everyone had gotten over the incident already, and were laughing and chatting about other things that had happened in their lives. It was a bit of a relief to Kyoya that Rin had also joined in the conversation. During their time in the resort, and even her time at the school, Rin really hadn't engaged in much interaction with anyone, and when she did, it was brief and extremely awkward.

The club walked for a bit longer, before the finally saw the fence that bordered the resort, and the gate that was attached to it.

"Yay!" Honey-senpai cried, dashing over to the gate.

This time when he pushed on the gate, it opened.

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