chapter one

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Stepping onto the Hogwarts Express, Ella strolled down the aisle, searching excitedly for a compartment to sit in. In one of the cars, Ella noticed a boy with black, untidy hair; round glasses; and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Although she did think that the scar was pretty cool, the girl decided that he was not someone she wanted to make friends with.

Eventually, Ella reached a compartment with a greasy-haired blond that seemed lonely. Shrugging, Ella opened the door to the compartment and asked, "Do you mind if I sit in here? There's not really any other compartments open."

Glancing upwards at Ella, the boy smirked and responded, "If you dare. You probably already know that I'm Malfoy, but my full name is Draco Malfoy."

Taken aback yet not discouraged, the girl said, "Well, nice to meet you. I still insist on calling you by your first name, Draco, especially if we are going to be friends. Now move your bags out of that seat or I'll be moving them myself."

Puzzled by the girl, Draco Malfoy picked up the few bags and flung them on the rack above his seat. Looking the girl up and down, Draco remarked, "I still don't know your name, you know."

"Oh! Sorry about that," Ella laughed while sitting on the seat across from Draco. "I'm Ella Adara."

"Adara? I've never heard a Pureblood with that name before," Draco commented.

"I suppose that would be because I am not a Pureblood; I'm a Muggleborn," Ella eagerly explained.

For a moment, Draco had a disgusted look on his face. "Very well," he said. Not wanting to disappoint or make the girl angry with him, Draco said, "I've never really been friends with a Muggleborn before. Do you even know all of the houses?"

Surprised, Ella replied, "Of course I do! There are four Hogwarts houses, each for a Hogwarts founder. Hufflepuff for Helga Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw for Rowena Ravenclaw, Slytherin for Salazar Slytherin, and Gryffindor for Godric Gryffindor."

"And which house would you like to belong to, Adara?" Draco inquired.

"I would love to be in any of them!" Ella dreamily remarked.

"I see. Well, I know  that I will be put in Slytherin. If I'm not, then my father will hear about it and I will be transferred to Durmstrang."

"Oh I've heard of that school!" Ella gasped. "But why on earth would you want to go there instead of Hogwarts?"

"If I don't make it into Slytherin, they'll have obviously made a mistake, and the Malfoy family does not tolerate mistakes," Draco told her.

Confused, Ella shrugged and gazed out the window, only to find grass, grass, and grass. She sighed and asked if Draco knew how long it took to get to Hogwarts.

"I don't know, but we better get there soon since it's getting dark out." Standing up and walking towards the door, Draco turned around and said, "I'm going to go take a walk out in the train corridors."

"Oh, I'll come with you!" Ella suddenly exclaimed, leaping out of her seat.

"No thanks. I just want to go and chat with a friend of mine," he answered.

After Draco left the compartment, Ella dug in her bag for her favorite book she's read so far, Hogwarts, a History by Bathilda Bagshot, and flipped to a random page. While she read about Rowena Ravenclaw's history, the compartment door slid open. "You're back already?" Ella asked, not looking up from her book.

"What's that supposed to mean?" a girl's voice responded. "I've never even opened this compartment before."

At the sound of a voice that wasn't Draco's, Ella snapped her head up from the book. "Oh, hello. I'm Ella, and you are?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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