Lunch Time

Fhay was heading out of class to eat lunch when all of a sudden her best friend from the next classroom from there class went to see her.

Fhay said " Haruna!!! What are you doing here? "

Haruna replied with a smile " I'm here to eat with you silly, and i heard you got yourself a boyfriend? "

Fhay said while getting angry and blushing " Haaarrruunnaa!!! Shut up ok, and for the record Xavier is not my boyfriend. "

Haruna replied with a grin " Oowww... So his name is ' Xavier ', right? Let me check him out for you Fhay to see if he is strong enough. "

Fhay said " Sure thing, knock yourself out... Wait!!! What do mean Check him out. "

Haruna replied " It means, what it means, so I'll just be going now bye-bye... "

Then after there talk Haruna rushed on out to find Xavier, Fhay didn't care what Haruna does to Xavier but she had this hurtful feeling in her heart.

Meanwhile, Haruna found a guy eating his lunch under a tree, she walked-by to see how he looked, she kept on passing-by until Xavier said " Hey, wanna eat your lunch here it's really cool and windy under the trees. "

Haruna looked at him and noticed he was really cute, so she hurried and took a seat right next to him.

Xavier said " Hi, I'm Xavier. "

Haruna was shocked to think he was Xavier.
Haruna said " Oooww... I'm Haruna, from the classroom right next to yours. "

Xavier replied " Ahw... Wow, how do you now I'm from the classroom right next to yours? "

Haruna replied " Cause I have a bestfriend from your classroom her name is Fhay. "

Xavier said " Oow... Ok, you must be really close? "

Haruna replied " Yes! ", Haruna spotted Xavier on his lap was a book, so she questioned.
Haruna said " Hey Xavier, you really must like reading? "

Xavier replied " Ow... Yeah! This book is a borrowed book from the library i couldn't actually reading without my glasses. "

When Xavier put-on his glasses Haruna blushed cause Xavier looked so handsome and cool with his glasses, so she asked.

Haruna said " Wow Xavier, you look really good with your glasses. "

Xavier replied " You really think so?! Wow, I have never had a comment like that before. "

Haruna said " Well, your welcome. Can i ask you a question? "

Xavier replied " Yeah, sure, anything. "

Haruna said " Do you wanna kiss me? "

Xavier blushed at stood-up and tried to walk away, but Haruna grabbed on to his arm and pulled him down so that he could sit back down, she held his hand right between her breasts and looked directly into his eyes acting really cute, Xavier was tried to look away but can't escape cause he was restrained from Haruna.

Xavier said " Ugghhh... Haruna to tell you the truth your a really nice person but I can't really do this for you. "

Haruna seemed sad and let go of Xaviers' hand, Xavier stood up slowly and walked away slowly then Haruna used her power, her power is telekenesis which makes her control any thing she wants with the power of her mind. She made Xavier not move and made him stick to the tree, Haruna stood upand touched Xaviers' face.

Haruna said " So you are the one she likes, no wonder she acted so defnsive. Listen if you ever hurt her you will die too, but I'll make an acception for now . "

After Haruna said these words, Xaviers' hands began to shine and formed a heart the flow right towards Haruna.

Then Xavier shouted " Dodge it!!! "

So she did dodged it but the heart still chased after until finally she was hit, and so Xavier knew what the resoult would be after she got hit so he prepared for the worst, when she woke up she was shocked to wake up sleeping on the lap of Xavier, she stood up and blushed and forced the eyes of Xavier to close using her power and making him unable to move.

Xavier said " Haruna please, can you make me open my eyes? "

Haruna replied " Nooo!!! I have this feeling towards you that i can't explain after that thing you created hit me. What was that thing? "

Xavier said " I honestly don't know, but Fhay had the same feeling that you have cause she was also hit by my power. "

Haruna replied " So wait, that was your power? Tell me how to reverse this cause I feel almost as if I can't control myself anymore? "

Xavier said " I wish I knew but its going to take us a day to fix this cause our marks haven't appeared yet. "

Xavier waited for her to reply but she didn't, Xavier heard loud breath coming from Harunas' voice

Xavier said " Haruna are you okay? Please talk to me."

Haruna replied with a voice as if she was full of lust " Oowww... Yes!!! Fhay wouldn't mind if I take a little Kiss from you. "

Xavier could hear Haruna getting closer to him, so he tried to struggle but still couldn't move cause of Harunas' power so he had no choice. Haruna placed her face near Xaviers' face, she forced Xavier to carry her like a princess, so she gave Xavier a big fat kiss, Xavier could feel her getting warm, he could feel her tongue inside his mouth, until all of a sudden a blast of wind blew them away. Xavier was finally out of Harunas' power.

Haruna said " Who dares disturb me? After I was already ready to make Xavier mine. "

And from on top of the school building Fhay was there.

Fhay said " Haruna you should stop this immediately. "

Haruna replied " Oowww... Why should I? Don't tell me you have a crush on Xavier, isn't it? "

Fhay blushed at what she said and got alot more irritated, so she said " I don't have a crush on Xavier, this is just a favor for him for bringing me to the nurses office when I was unconscious. "

Haruna replied with a sarcastic tone " Ahw... So don't tell me you Love him? "

Fhay got alot more irritated and said " You little baby!!! Take this ' Barrier of wind ' "

Fhay created an area around Haruna wherein there is a thin line oxygen making t hard for her to breath. Haruna slowly felt her mind almost collapsing until she got Mad and burst the barrier with her power, after she took a deep breath and left with haste.

Fhay hurried to Xaviers side

Fhay said "Are you alright Xavier? What happened to Haruna? "

Xavier replied " She was hit by my power like you. "

Fhay said " Oww.. Did she have a mark? And how aboht you do you have a Mark too? "

Xavier replied " Unfortunately, No, during the time when you were hit by my power you had the marthe next day, so I think Haruna will have the Mark tomorrow. "

Fhay said while blushing " Oow... Ok, So what really happened after she got hit by your power? "

Xavier replied with a shock at what she wanted to know " uh-uh-uhm... nothing happened promise nothin happened. "

Fhay said while being cute and jelous " But... I... Saw you guys... "

Xavier repied immediately " What!!!??? You saw us what??? "

Fhay said while getting angry at Xavier for not telling the truth at what happened " Nothing!!!!!! "

Fhay then walked away really fast the Xavier couldn't catch up then Xavier decided to go home, he kept thinking of what kind of power he has but he still doesn't have a clue cause he feels like his power it to wierd to exist.


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