New Friends Old Enemies [Ch.2]

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   [Still Katie's POV]

I saw four other people sitting with Gen. A boy and three girls. 'There is gonna be a love triangle somewhere in this group of friends' I thought smiling as I sat down.

[Gen's POV]

Class has just started and I got my work out. I look up and Katie is sitting down next to my friends. Uh oh.. "Whaddaya doing here, Katie?"

"This is my first period class"

"Oh. Uh.. You are bleeding a little."
I pointed to just above her eyebrow. She raised her hand to touch it and the winced in pain. "Ouch!" Said one of my closest friends Sabrina."Looks bad!" Said my other friend James...I kind of sort of have a tiny crush on him... Don't tell! My other two friends were deep into coversation about boys. The teacher started talking in his boring voice about punctuation which everyone knows so I start to doodle a dress design.

[Katie's POV]

In the middle of class I started to fall asleep so I start to write a story to keep my mine occupied. I looked over at the boy and he was sleeping on his book face down and I try not to laugh. I look over at the two other girls and they are drawing. I look at Gen and she is super concentrated in a drawing. When I look back to the front and the teacher was standing infront of my desk with crossed arms,"Well, well, well. Miss..uh.." "Brown" "Miss Brown. Would you like to join us today?" "Oh uh sorry.." I sit up straight and quickly glance at the other children who are wide awake and looking straight. What? They were either just sleeping or drawing...

*Time skip*

[Katie's POV]

The class ended after an eternity. I got up and stretched then walked out of the room. When I looked back Gen and the book nerds(hehe book nerds) were talking and showing eachother their art. I was still walking and when I turned around and I nearly ran someone over Shoot! Then they yelled, "Watch it! Some people are trying to walk here!" I turned horrified I know that voice.. When I looked the person who the voice belongs to was smirking "Well, well, well! Look who it is girls! The auto-geek!" "Leave me alone, Lola!" Lola had a smug look on her face and said, "What? Are you gonna malfunction? Is robo-girl gonna glitch?" Lola and her groupies walked away laughing (more like cackling)

[Gen's POV]

We left the class room and Katie was talking to Lola. Uh oh. Lola is the school snob. She is hated and loved by everyone. She is super popular. We walked over to Katie and she didn't look scared what so ever. If she was scared she did a good job in hiding it.

[Katie's POV]

Oh my god I was so scared! Talking to Lola after almost five years was so nostalgic! When I looked at her witch-like face my mind went a million miles a minute with flashbacks and pain. When I turned around I yelped... I yelped!! I saw Gen and her friends looking at me like I just killed someone. "Why was she talking to you?"Gen said. "We are old enemies. We used to be friends but then she just took a turn for the worst"

[Gen's POV]

"Sorry about that"
"Woah! Friends? With her?"
"She had friends at one point?"
We all laughed at what Kelly had said. Kelly and Anne are my other friends.
Katie rubs the back of her neck
"Yeeeaaa she used to be a good person. Really! She was very nice.", Katie said quietly.
James then pat Katie's back I wish I was in her place.. I got a little frustrated and then said,"Okay. Lets go guys. And hey, Katie! Wanna come and hang out with us?"

[Katie's POV]

"S-sure!" I say happily.
We all go outside and walk around talking about our favorite books and what we like. All I hear was,"Hey! Get offa me!" and I was running to help. I zip around a corner and see a boy about my age getting pushed around by a bunch of jocks. Books were on the floor, and papers were ripped. I yell,"Hey! Get out of here! You have no buisness to be here! I ready my fists for a fight. "Okay! Okay!" the jock turns to the boy and whispers something to him.

[Peter's POV]

I was walking down the hall from my class and I was suddenly surrounded by jocks! Jocks!
They slapped my books out of my hands and then they started to rip my papers up and laughing. "Hiya nerd!" one of the bone-heads say. "G-get away from me.." "W-what was t-that n-n-nerd?" one of the other jocks pick me up my the collar of
my shirt. "Hey! Get offa me!" I shout and all of a sudden I hear a voice say "Hey! Get outta here! You have no buisness to be here!"
I look over and it is a girl shouting at the jocks Like that is ever gonna wor- and to my surprise I was dropped! I fell onto the ground and the head jock whispered to me "You got lucky this time!" The girl walked over to me and she held out her hand to help me up. When I was brought to my feet I got a better look at her. She was blond with blue eyes, and glasses. She was also wearing a light hoodie. I thank her "No problem"

              [To be continued]

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